Monday, Week One, Day One

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Once upon a time, I found my fairytale.

There was a prince.

And there was a princess.

The prince was named Taro Yamada.

The princess, didn't consider herself to be one.

My name is Ayano Aishi. 

The Kingdom of the academy was quite large.

So it wasn't till my second year, that the princess met the prince.

The princess had never encountered emotion till that moment.

It was like a burst of color that painted the dull, grey world.

Everything was perfect.

My fairytale was found.

But my fairytale was to be stolen of its light.

By a orange haired servent, named Osana Najimi.

She taught the princess a new emotion.

She taught me rage.

It's courses through my veins thickly through my blood.

The Kingdom was in jepordy.

But before the princess could deal with restoring the light.

I had to get ready for school...

 I glanced over at my phone, expecting another text from the one known as Info-Kun. A prevented student who knows everything about everyone. He had presented himself to me as a broker. A likely sourse that I will be contacting in the future.

However, first things first. "How long does it take you to pack your stuff?! Geez!" I have to deal with my childhood friend sitting outside my house. "Hurry up, Yan-chan!" His name is Osano Nijimi, a quiet annoying character but he always seems to pull through for me. "Geez! I swear you get slower every year!" Most the time...

Sighing I exited to see him leaning against my apartments doorframe, "Morning." I deadpanned as his eyes darted over my figure, his eyes lingered over my bow. 

"You're hopeless without me." He sighed, setting his bag down to fix to my crooked knot.

"Nice shirt." His usual blush that was always in place dusted his face quickly. It was true that his shirt was rather odd. It was orange with random white polka dots. It matched well to his orange hair that he had pulled back with a single band. "Very colorful."

"H-Hey! My family couldn't afford me new shirts! I grew out of my old ones!" His fingers fumbled as he finished the red ribbons knot. "I already told you that! What?! Is your brain going dead!?" He grabbed his bag and spun around towards the stairs. "Geez! Let's go!" I rolled my eyes before walking besides him toward the direction of our school. 

It was quiet the way there, we normally didn't talk much. But about a mile into our morning trek, he decided to change our usual peaceful routine. "I hope we get seats close to each other, y'know...far from the teacher podium." I looked up at him questioning his words with my stare. He caught onto my gaze and his posture straightened away from me. "N-not that I mean anything by it dummy! I just thought it'd be nice to be close together ok!" 

"I guess it would be nice." I stared down the road seeing other students heading the same way we were. I could feel his gaze linger, before disappearing from my senses. I meant my statement,  he is the only one labeled to me as a friend. Nothing much past that. Especially not now, my goal is on Taro-Senpai. And Senpai only.

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