Friday, Week Two, Day 12

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Ugh... My head... Feels like I'm still being beaten... Wait... Where..? Am I at the beach? What time is it? Moons still out... Can't be that early can it?

"Looks like you're awake." I stiffened hearing a unfamiliar voice, and something crackling... I sat up slowly to see a person sitting on the other side of a fire.

"Who are you." My throat hurts... My voice sounds atrocious as well. The male tossed something over the fire into the sand beside me.

A water bottle... "Lets just say I'm an...old friend." He sounds like he's my age, yet his voice is mature. I carefully grabbed the bottle of water and took a sip. This friend of mine could easily be a foe. "Seems like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Find the one by now?"

How does this stranger know my family's secret. "And if I have? How do you know about it?" I heard him shift, perhaps this was one of the bullies from my old school. Or rather an enemy from my past life. Is he a spy? Or is there another group of people who know my secret.

It could quite possibly be the Saikou's... The way Megamo and Megami talked was like they were vaguely pointing to something. "I recommend forgetting about this person Ayano. I'm here to give you a warning."

"If you truly knew my situation, then you would know that I cannot express emotions without him." A deep chuckle accompanied the crackle of the wood separating me from knowing who was speaking.

"Trust me, you're still the same emotionless bitch that left me alone." The fire was smothered and let out a hiss as a bucket of water was dumped on it. "You haven't changed." And he was gone.

Whoever he was...

What does he mean? I've gained emotions... I'm better now. Aren't I? Haven't I changed for the better? For my Senpai?

I'll have to investigate this later, I need to go home and change for school. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, I merely wanted to check the time instead I was met by the sight of thousands of missed calls and messages...

Looks like my friends are concerned for me. Are they even my friends? I tell my best friend my secret and he blows it off as some fantasy my mother planted in my head. Some friend he is...

Looks like I have four hours till school starts... I guess I can see how truly concerned these people are. As I got up I noticed suprisgly that I couldn't feel any of the cuts or bruises all across my body anymore.

Seems like I'm becoming numb again.

I better start walking... I opened up my device and was surprised to see messages and calls from so many different numbers I've never seen before as well as a few regulars.

Better start from the top...

Osoro... great...

Hey pipsqueak


Aswer me damit

I eill go to your house

Alriht u better open door

Where r u?

Open up!!

R u even home

Answer me

Where are you

Are u ok




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