Thursday, Week One, Day Four

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Ugh... why is my brain pounding against my skull? And why is my hair stiff..? Am I covered in salt..? Why is my mouth so dry? Wait, hold on, did I have a dream? Or did I kiss Osano? I was dreaming of me kissing Senpai, I opened my lips and bam! I was kissing the orange haired tsundere! 


New question, why is my room so cold? Oh well... I might as well get a shower and get ready of school. And a tall glass of water. And toast. And Senpai. Now I'd love if I had Senpai coming here. Not in this state but after my shower. We could skip school together and love each other! But he wouldn't skip school... he's a perfect attendance student. 

Oh well, as soon as he's mine it won't matter. First things first I have to get out of this shell of salt that covers my skin. After my shower I assumed I would've felt better. Instead, I just felt colder and my head to throb. Perhaps I just need a drink or two of water, maybe my body is off balance. 

But after drinking three glasses of water, whilst wondering why my phone was submerged in a bowl of rice by my bed, I still felt the same. Maybe this is the side effects of hunger? I forced a piece of toast down my throat and felt my stomach recoil at the offering. My throat felt funny, like I needed to spit something out. I rushed to the sink before disposing my breakfast. 

I feel weak... 

The sound of a fist knocking on the door nearly mimicked the pounding in my head. "Hey idiot you up!" I sat down and rubbed my temples, something isn't right with me... "Ayano?" I hadn't even realized he had opened the door and was staring at me. "You okay?"

"I feel like I fell in the ocean."

"You did fall in the ocean, idiot." His hand gently pulled mine out of the way as he felt my forehead. "Geez! You're burning up!" Burning up..? I'm on fire? "Back to bed you go! You're useless in this state!" I tried to glare, but scrunching up my face made me want to spit out my tongue again. 

"I have to go to school..." He rummaged through my fridge till he found a cold compress.

"Absolutely not, you're sick!" Sick? I have fallen ill? Is that why my body is reacting the way it is? This is quite odd. I've never been sick before..? Did Senpai trigger this? Or did kissing Osano? 

No! Senpai would never be harmful to me! This is Osano's fault! He sighed seeing me in such a pathetic state and grabbed my shoulders to lead me back to my room. Then he instructed me to put on some clean pajamas. Before leaving me to my own devices. Perhaps I should use this to my advantage, I could look up those other girls and see if they like Osano or Senpai. Hopefully I have a wide variety of girls for my friend.

"Get in bed." Um stalker much? Wait... I'm the stalker. Never mind. 

"Why?" Is he going to kiss me again? If so I'm going to choke him. 

"You need to rest idiot! Now get in bed and go to sleep! I'll be back after school! You're not in that bad of shape! You'll be fine!" Oh, is this how one over comes illness? By sleeping it off?

"Fine." As soon as I laid my head down I felt something cold covering my forehead, my eyes shot open seeing him placing the cold compress to my head. 

He left and returned a moment later. "Swallow." What? "This'll help your fever." He was holding out a pill and a glass of water. Better do as he says, I have to get strong for senpai... I did as instructed as he looked over at the cork board with a small grin. "U-um! I'm going to leave now! Call me if you need anything... Not that I care!" With that, my friend was gone. Hearing the door slam shut I let out a sigh of my own. Why did this have to be so difficult? 

And why am I so sleepy...

Before I knew it I was abandoned in the world of dreams. It was a mixture of my blank dreams of a dark room along with my dreams of Senpai. The main difference was that instead of the light cheery mood Senpai gave me, I was scared of the ten males. I could identify seven the other three were in the dark. It was the boy's who keep chasing me around at school... along with Oko. 

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