Sunday, Day 7

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It feels as though today is going to be eventful. Which is strange because my agenda is go to the shrine, go grocery shopping, come home and clean, go to work, hide shrine in basement, make Osorō a bento and pop it in the fridge, then sleep. Oh right! I have seven boys chasing after me! Nothing is simple in my life anymore! 

This crazy endeavor started when I did me and my dads daily ritual of going to the shrine and guess who's there! Megamo Saikou. In a white dress shirt, black slacks, polished dress shoes, and his gloves. Praise the gods! No paper! 

Normally this place is empty. And by empty, I mean it is literally only me and my father. So to see him in such a desolate place is...unnerving. Nonetheless I knelt a good distance away from him and prayed for the gods to let senpai accept my confession. I never understood why father took me here. I wasn't quite the religious type. But if this will somehow give me a boost for my reputation, I'll take it.

"Do you come here often?" Shut up, I'm praying for my sanity.

"I do." I didn't bother sparing him a glance as I continued to try and find some sort of loose change in my pockets. Tips have been scarce for me lately...

"I see. It is a very beautiful shrine." Don't you have someone else to bother? Oh no. You don't, because this place is a ghost town!

"You should see it when the trees are just starting to bud." My father's line to my mother, not my own. Mom has never joined us to come here. I don't know why.

"Really? I'll keep that in mind." Or you could forget it and just leave. "So how are you, Aishi-chan?" Dogs are ruining my evil kitten domination plan.

"Same as always." I guess I should stand and face him... "And you, Saikou-Senpai?"

There's the light blush, "I could be better. It is none of your concern I assure you." Oh great, well I guess I'm done here. "Are at the moment?"

What type of question is that? "That depends, what is it that you need?"

Is he...getting embarrassed? "Well... My father has decided that he and his children should spend some bonding time together. So...he told us to meet him for breakfast." He paused and looked away.


"I hate attending these things with him." Woah, like I would have never guessed that. "Its more of a lecture of how I should be like my twin sister. You have to be smarter. You have to be strict with your actions. And so on..." And I care about his relationship with his father because... Plot?

"I see... At least your father isn't traveling the world without you." I knelt down and grabbed my phone, not seeing the dark glare that had crossed across his visage. "But that's beside the point. What I'm assuming is you would like for me to go to breakfast with you and your family?" I stood back up and saw a grin tug at the corners of his cheeks.

"You would have assumed co-"

"Megamo! Are you done yet!? We have to get going!" A very commanding females voice reached us causing his eyes to widen and me to search for the origin. "Dads going to-" That's when a very similar girl to the boy with me came up the path. "Who's this?"

"Hello. I'm Ayano Aishi." Her eyes narrowed and her hands balled up.

"Oh. You." Yes. Me. "Your mother is the reason our father hates us." Say that again, I think you insulted my mother.

"Megami." I felt a gloved hand grab my shoulder and push me back.

"She is the reason he won't let me go the school!" Wait, Mr. Saikou won't let her go to school merely for the fact that I'm there? Sweet.

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