Tuesday, Week Two, Day Nine

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I never, ever want to go back to the cooking club...

The tension between me and the rainbow five could have been cut by a plastic butter knife. Yui kept smirking at me and the others kept glaring. Why couldn't they be my rivals instead of Kokona and Amai? Or even the green haired delinquent? I would love to twist a knife in her sternum. Make it difficult to breathe...then force a glass of water down her throat while she gasps for air. 

My gods I'm having bad thoughts right now! What could I do to everyone is a idea, burn the school and escape with Senpai is the easiest thing. But that's a last resort. Besides, I'm way too sane to do something that extreme. 

But, anyway, about yesterday. Past the girls glaring, Amao and I finishing and eating cheesecake, I feel like Amai was attempting to pry me open or something of the sort. It's going to be difficult to eliminate her if she doesn't reveal stuff about herself since she's too busy trying to talk about me. I'm low on good ideas for her...

I could poison her, maybe switch out a spice with crushed up rat poison? Or perhaps I could kill her, stabbing her with the knife in the kitchen would be easiest. No...too many people walking around... Maybe I should find a suitable male? 

Okay, maybe I should have done first...


Yes Yandere-chan~

Is there anyone interested in the cooking club leader?

Besides your interest in getting rid of her, no~

I should have known...

Why are you using the ~ so much?

Because, honey, I can do as I please;)

Why is it that you are only pairing your enemies? Didn't I tell you to make these little bitches pay?

I remember that being with Osana, is there something I don't know about?

Maybe~ But you'll have to find that bit out yourself. 

And Osana needs knocked off her pedestal.

Can I know why about her?

Aw~ Look at how social you're trying to be~! 

Give me some real action to watch and I'll consider it~


Either works;)

I don't understand...

Again... Cute sometimes... 

Annoyingly dense othertimes...

You either ruin someone, or do something special for me~

Such as?

I'll let your imagination decide~

Okay, however I do have another question. Why are the rainbow five acting so strangely around me? As well as Amai.

Gee. If only I had a panty shot~

Again... Good thing I took a few of my classmates yesterday in the locker room.


Eh... Good enough.

The friend circle is jealous of you getting their precious male members attention. 

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