Wednesday, Week Two, Day Ten

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I honestly didn't get any sleep last night, I kept thinking about the Yakuza. Why would Info bring up such a highly illegal group? Is it really worth my time to involve myself with such a thing? It is a easier method in some cases, but how on earth would I appeal to them? I'm just a high school girl gone lovesick. There's so many things that could go wrong with this as well... If I get caught by the police, I would be connected to a mob and be given a longer sentence. And Senpai... He wouldn't want to marry a criminal...

But isn't that what I might have to become to get rid of Amai? She's a sweet girl, a little too sweet. Before I know it Senpai's going to be caught up in her sugary lie and I lose him to a pastry baking maniac. Maybe... For a decent price, I could get the Yakuza to get rid of her for me..? If I can't think of anything else, it's worth a shot. 


Have you made your decision?

Yes. I wish to go through with this.

So you will kill her! Now I get to see some action! 

That's not what I meant.

Don't you think I know that? I am a little concerned however.

Do you really want to do this?

Yes, they would make a great ally. Especially if these other missing female presidents like Senpai as well.

Ah~! So this is where the dense little girl becomes smart.

Is that an insult.

I'm kidding, honey~!

But I'm not concerned about them, whether they like him or not.

I'm concerned about if the police ever find their location and trace them to you.

Are you actually concerned about my well-being?

You didn't let me finish!

Then quit texting in chunks.


As I waited for him to tell me his true feelings, which sounds extremely weird in my head I grabbed a sheet of paper and a couple of different colored markers. Despite my best efforts to not wanting to have to have physical evidence, I still feel the need to jot down anything useful. Rather than go through all my information in the little secure data bank on my phone, which is dangerous in having in case I am traced, and have something I could burn easily if it ever came to that...

Before I could start mapping however, Info sent me what I could only describe as a book of information. He truly does stand to his name. I guess it would be kind of pointless if he didn't...

I'm merely concerned for my own well-being, if they start going through your phone they no doubt will be able to trace it to mine as well as my other contacts. I do have a reputation to hold and I definitely don't want to mess up all my hard work because you act careless for a singular moment. Now that my selfishness is out of the way, I am concerned of the hazards that may arise working alongside them. Look... I understand my services may not prove the most useful at times, nor can I provide you with everything you need. My meathods may be crude and require a lot of effort to help you remain under the radar, but I promise that I can help. I know my method of payment from you is...odd, but this benefits both of us. I promise. The more panty shots you send me, the more cash I get, and the more services I can provide. Yandere-chan... You are one of the "better" clients I've had. I'd hate to see you and I both behind bars because we associate ourselves with "the easy method". Just think about it some more okay? If by Monday you still want to go through with this I will help you. Okay?

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