Monday, Week Two, Day Eight

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I can't move. Gods I hate being restricted! This is my dream! I can do as I please! "Hey Slut!" Am our meeting spot? Why are the rainbow bitches here? "Stay away from our leader!" Who are they yelling at? It's grating on my nerves.

"I don't understand, we're just friends." A-Ayano..? 

"Yeah right! You're stealing our Onii-chan!"  They're cornering her! The hell are they doing to her?! 

"It was better when you stayed out of everyone's way, now your just a nuisance!" Quit yelling at her! Let me go to her! 

"Do you want to know what we do to people who get in our way?" The blue hair bitch slapped her where I assume she is, she touched her! I'm going to kill her! "We put them in their place." 

Don't you dare hurt her! Don't you DARE hurt my GIRL!

"Right ladies?" They pounced on her all at once. Slapping, kicking, punching, and cutting at the girl I couldn't see! Why isn't she fighting back..!? Fight Ayano! Don't let them do this to you!

"Stop! I didn't mean any harm!" FIGHT BACK! 

There! I can see her! H-her..! Her hands are tied behind her back..!? This isn't a fair fight! The hell is with you people! Yui grabbed her hair, that same old wicked smile curled up on her face as she recorded the fight on her phone! 

"Maybe now you understand, why you don't mess with us, bitch." She slammed her back against the brick wall! Stop this! Stop hurting her!

"I'm sorry for whatever I have done, please untie my hands." How can she keep a straight face through this! Your bloody and bruised Ayano! How are you so calm about this?!

"Like hell you are!" Just leave her alone! 

I don't want to watch this! Just let me go to her! Let me protect her! Let me help her! I don't want her to go through this! She doesn't deserve this!

I blinked, and the girls and ropes disappeared, all that was left... was my girl sprawled out on the ground in a pool of her own blood... No... No..!


"Senpai..." Its okay..! I'm here! You're going to be okay! "I'm sorry..." Don't you dare say that! Don't close your eyes! Fight, Ayano, fight! Don't leave me! "I'm sorry..." 

"GAH!" Oh gods! Stupid nightmare! What time is it..? Only five..? I ain't going to be able to sleep after that... " head..." I can't text her right now, she's probably safe in her bed. Gods... There is some one else I can talk to.

Oi info

Hello again cousin, how might I help you today?

U know dam well what I want

I told you a thousand times, I cannot disclose that information.

Yur name is info and u won't give me it

Yes, and by the way, your spelling hasn't gotten any better.

Quit changing subject!

Or grammar.

I oughta rip that club of yurs apart and show u to everyone!


Tell me her info!

I can't.

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