Friday, Week One, Day Five

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I awoke feeling like any other regular day. Normal. I guess my sickness is gone. I guess this is what is known as a "speedy recovery". I better prepare for school. Finally I can have my blessed toast. When I get home after work I'll have to fix my cork board and put my shrine in its rightful place. I guess I'll leave my photos of me and Osano close by in case he comes over. The roses will go in the kitchen. 

The number is still strangely specific to me... I could understand if it was ten, given the number of males in my dream, or twelve for a dozen. But thirteen is just odd, its odder that I think it's so strange but I can't figure out why thirteen. Perhaps I will never know, or it's like a strange mystery to be solved at a end of a book. 

Perhaps it is nothing.

That is probably the most likely answer, maybe they were on sale and Kizano was feeling cheap. That could explain why one of them was wilting so soon. Or it's a sign from the gods, maybe I have thirteen people to get rid of so I can have Senpai. Osana, Kokona, then...what? 

I need to focus right now, I better make sure I have everything so I can get ready to go to school. Let's see, uniform, check. Bento, check. Bag, check. Phone and wallet, check. That's it. "Yan-chan! You ready, idiot!" I exited to see him about to open the door. "You look better, good. Let's go, I don't want to be late!" He seems nervous, wait a minute.

Osano believes in the myth too! No! No! No! He's going to try and ask me out isn't he!? No! I want to be with Senpai! Ugh! I have to hide! I have to be near Senpai! Ugh! "Yeah, lets go." 

What am I going to do? I can't kill him, he's my friend. friend. What am I going to do... I'd miss him so bad if he died... Is this feeling...worry? Am I nervous as well? Nonsense, I can't  be this way over some stupid love confession from my friend. I opened up my phone to see if Info-Kun had sent me anything new. The moment I figure how to get into his room, I'm going to strangle him for giving Osorō my information. 

What I saw instead was a text from Yuto-kun. 

Hey Yan-chan! Thanks for helping me out! Osana asked me out yesterday! 🤗

You're welcome.

Thats one rival out of the way, one to go. Wait, is that them? Yes! From what I can see it looks like they're holding hands. It's official. But...where's Senpai? I suddenly felt someone bump into my shoulder, by some crazy stroke of ingenious we both fell on the ground. "H-hey! Watch it Yamada!" Osano yelled down at the boy on top of me.

YAMADA!? I opened my eyes to see my Senpai staring down at me with a look of worry. "Sorry about that!" He stood up quickly and offered a hand down to me with a nervous smile. "I'm Taro Yamada of class three one." 

My face felt hot as I placed my hand into his, it fit perfectly together. Like two puzzle pieces. He helped me up and took his hand back to dust his clothes off. "I-I'm A-Ayano A-Aishi of c-class two o-one." My voice sounded weak and fragile, like it was breaking. 

He must have noticed my nervous embarrassment, he smiled warmly and rubbed the back of his head. "I'll try to be more careful next time."

"N-no! It was m-my fault Y-Yamada-Senpai, I should have g-gotten out of the w-way!" He chuckled and lowered his arm.

"Don't worry about it, see you around Aishi-san." He said my name! He said MY NAME! I'm so happy! Senpai knows who I am now! I talked to Senpai! He talked to me!

"Oi! Idiot! Why're you so embarrassed!?" Why is Osano so angry? "Geez! Let's go!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Senpai! He waved goodbye and I waved my hand as well. " like him?"

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