Chapter one

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 "Sire, a stranger has arrived in our desert by land."

Prince Hassan glanced at the man, who had entered his private domain, robed and wearing the traditional headdress. The bath from centuries ago was enormous surrounded by pillars and natural formed rocked walls that he leaned back against the stone steps, soaking in the natural spring waters that bubbled from beneath the grounds of the palace. A lingering soft scent of agarwood bakoor mingled with sandalwood burned in a Mabkhara, released from a fragrant rich thick smoke, behind him.

The area lit up by built in down lighting, though there were also added light with hanging lanterns, if needed. Not today, keeping him in the shadows. The day had been long and hard. He waved away the young attendant, who was massaging his shoulders. Bowing the slip of girl departed in a swirl of bright coloured silks of the skirt.

"Come," he waved the man across. An older man, who had seen to his needs all his life, came closer. "Tell me about this stranger."

"A young woman, travelling across our sands by camel, escorted by men."

Interest sparked in his dark amber eyes. "A young woman by herself, unescorted, you do not say."

"Well, with men, who guide her way."

"As I said, unescorted. So the question is why is she here? What does she want from us?" He stood, water trickling down his taut, athletic body, and walked out of the bath, removing a towel from a stone bench that he wrapped around his lean hips. He lowered upon the stone bench that had been carved out of the surrounding walls of the underground chambers. The air cool, after the heat of the day, surrounded by the desert. The golden sands of his lands. "How many are travelling with her?"

"Six men, strong, true, and men of good reputation."

"A wise woman. She would be brought to me at once. Send out our men to escort her safely to my home."

"At once, sire. By camel? Horse?"

"Send the vehicles; it would be the fastest transport. I will not accept a no for an answer. Make it a request in the name of the house of Kasadar. I must prepare myself for such an important visitor."

"Surely not? Surely she is not the one sire?"

"One would arrive out of the sands, lift the curse, and bring life back to the city." Standing, Hassan walked out of the baths into a changing area, surrounded by soft flowing purple silk curtains. Dropping the towel, he removed a long sweeping coat, shrugged on and buttoned the belt around his waist, lapping over itself. Finally the legend had finally come true, and he would be free.

She would free him.


The guide in front come riding up to the middle, where Elena Thompson was perched upon her camel, between the guides. He turned the camel and approached at her side, joining her pace. "What is it, my friend?"

"Vehicles are approaching fast, missus."

She frowned. "Friend or foe?" Was there any way of knowing, and who would be out here in the middle of nowhere?

"We would soon find out," he noted, pointing at the approaching cloud of churning sand from a black four wheel drive vehicles. Elena held up a clenched hand, stopping the camel caravan. There was no point in running, because they couldn't out ran four wheel drives. Four in all, all looking the same, surrounding them, and stopped.

Men climbed out, heavily armed, looking very menacing. She mustn't show any fear, and had every right to be travelling these unmarked lands. All the rightful papers in place, allowing her into the forbidden zone, even if she sneaked out in the middle of the night, days ago. Into the heart of the desert, towards the ruins of old Kasadar, hoping to find her father.

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