Chapter Fifteen

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Hassan changed through the palace, busting into Elena's room, where she was resting, reading a book she had borrowed from his enormous library. The book was shut closed. "Forgive me, beloved." She rose to her feet.

"You know, you are welcome here anytime, without an invitation," she frowned at his agitated movement and expression. "What is it, my love?" He crossed over, taking her into his arms and kissed her passionately. She opened to him, holding him tightly in her arms, around his neck. Slowly he pulled back.

"Thank you," he whispered. "How long I have waited to hear such words on your lips." She ran fingers through his hair as he eased back, his dark amber eyes hooded.

"I am so sorry, if you felt you weren't welcome Hassan. You would always be welcome. I miss you, when I am not at your side."

His breath caught and kissed her again softly, lingering, enjoying then pulled away, shaking his head. "I cannot be distracted by such things, you always distract my thoughts. My uncle is arriving, and he cannot find you here. I have to hide you. I'm going to place you in the old Harem rooms, as he would have no reasons to go there. You would have your own staff to look after you, and see to all your needs, until he leaves."

"Hassan I don't understand why."

"For your protection. I cannot explain it, I just know he would not be happy," he took a deep breath. "I would..." she placed her fingers on his mouth and looked deeply into his eyes.

"Whatever you want from me, and I would do it," she promised to see his relief. He wasn't used to asking, and he always looked after his own, was one thing she had learned. Whatever he did was for the good of his people that he loved deeply. She would do this for him.

"Everything you own would be moved, with you."

"You do what you have to do, and I would see to the rest." She paused, and looked around, for she was going to miss these rooms, however, it was not forever, and she would be back." When are you expecting him?"

"Soon," he answered.

"Leave it with me, the fastest move in history," she charged off.

"Elena!" She swung back and race back, kissing him.

"You and me," then she was gone. She found every case, bag she owned, and began filling with everything she owned, leaving nothing of her left in sight. Then went back to make sure the rooms hadn't looked touched, exactly as she had entered them the first time, then followed the staff with her luggage to another part of the palace, an old part that wasn't used anymore. The old Harem rooms.

Telling the staff to dump her stuff that she would see to it later, she looked around the quarters that used to belong to the women that hadn't been disturbed in years, deep in the belly of the palace. She explored every little inch, finding lots of hidden niches. Her greatest discovery was the very large built in bathing area. In which the women would have shared. She had heard of such thing from movies and books, but never thought she would actually see one.

This was different from Hassan's natural spring pool.

The hour was late after long talks with his uncle, and had taken all his control, not to challenge him there and then, but then they would have lost the advantage. Maybe he had heard the whispers of him making a move, his people gathering, and ready to upraise against his evil ruling, since he only used to send his armed men to bring their provisions. His visits like this were far and between over the years, growing less and less as he saw no threat. A man of learning, not the warrior. He had been trained in secret. No, he had to keep his cool, and knowing Elena was safe, in the belly of the palace, with her own personal highly trained guards, keeping her safe and out of harms way, helped.

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