Chapter Nineteen

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Elena dropped a bag into a chair, suddenly nervous. They were finally truly alone. At the palace it was different, and travelling across the desert, it was focused on the trip ahead, even if she slept in his arms every night, actually day, they hadn't actually consummated the marriage. Actually had it been a real marriage? There was so much she didn't know and Hassan was so good at twisting thing for his own desires.

The room flooded with light. Room? A five star penthouse, with a large open living room. She turned towards Hassan, arms crossed. He stopped a few inches from her without touching her, also crossing his arms.

"Before we start I need to know the truth."

A brow arched. "About what?"

"This so call legend."

He shrugged as non importance, which confused her more. "Actually, more of a mother's story to her child. Can we please sit down, and I hate this distance between us."

She licked her lips. "That is rather dangerous for us," she pointed out, stepping closer. He dropped his arms and reached out, drawing her closer against him, wrapping her into his arms. "It wasn't me?" She sighed, leaning against him, absorbing his warmth, scent, and everything about him.

"Yes, my love, it was always you," he whispered, placing her lips against her hair.

She shook her head. "You misunderstand me. It was my father, the stranger out of the desert that is why he stayed away for so long, he was helping you out. He is your legend, not me."

"Ah, but I did not tell you the other part of the legend." She eased back, peering up at him, questioningly.

"Sorry? I don't understand. You made me believe I was the foreigner from the sands, but that's not true, is it Hassan?" He tugged at his earlobe, giving her a sheepish look through hooded eyes. "It was my father."

He rubbed the nape of his neck. "You are far too curious for your own good. I told you I didn't actually believe in the legend. Habibti it's been a long day, so can I please sit down."

"Of course," her eyes widened as it hit her. "You didn't just fly in? What were you thinking Hassan? Driving, staying late, and you need sleep!" She edged him down onto the soft white leather sofa, settling at his side, tucked under his arm. "We will talk about this tomorrow."

"No, I want this done with. I do not want your mistrust anymore."

"What mistrust? Oh, you mean, twisting everything around to suit your purposes, after you promised me."

He eyed her sideways. "Tell me, my love, when have I since broken that promise." Leaning against him, she thought over everything. He hadn't.

"You didn't correct me either," she pointed out.

"That was in the past."

Shaking her head, she laughed, he was doing it again. "Okay, I give up, you win. So how was I part of it?"

"I promised my mother, I would wait to find the right woman to marry. One I deeply loved and cherished, just like my father had my mother."

"So you added that part about being married, and had to be about love," she frowned. "You agreed to marry me under my compromise."

He cradled her face in his hand, melding their gazes, melting her heart with the love in his eyes for her. "By then I was so desperate that I would agree to anything to have you as my mate."

"Mate," she sighed. "I sound like a breeding partner."

He frowned. "You don't want to have babies with me?"

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