Chapter Thirteen

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Taking hold of her hand, Hassan led her out of the great hall, leaving the children and womenfolk with his personal bodyguards and went to check up on the men, who had set up a camp undercover, but not fully in the palace, settled inside an enclosed courtyard, campfire blazing in the middle. Elena eyed him closely. "They do not know any better, it is how they live and would not do any harm. Now say nothing, they are men of the true old ways."

"And you're not," she chuckled, rubbing his arm with her free hand.

He pressed his lips against her hair. "Behave yourself," he growled.

"So I've got to be seen, and not heard."

"Something, like that." Her eyes narrowed slightly. He wasn't meant to agree to such things. "However not going to happen," he noted dryly, although his eyes twinkled.

"Believe me; you won't get a peek out of me as long as you don't expect that all the time."

"Never," he smiled. "I happen to like my woman speaking her mind, and please take notice, I did say woman, not women."

"So noted." She fell slightly behind as they approached the gathered men, where he was greeted warmly, and asked to join them. Before he did, he introduced Elena, before sitting down in the circle of men. Elena at his side. Coffee was served all around. The storm raged outside battering against the solid walls of the fortress. Like the wolf, it could blow all it wanted, however, it wasn't coming in. They were safe. The animals also safe in the stables, protected.

Keeping her eyes lowered, her hand still held by Hassan's. She listened to the chatter, sipping from the strongest brew of coffee. A required taste, shaking her cup from right to left, letting them know she had her fill, when more was offered. She glanced at Hassan.

"You pick up our ways," he stated softly in English. She nodded, both deciding they would probably feel more open, if they thought she didn't speak the language. So she just smiled, sipped her coffee, and leaned against Hassan's arm, hand behind his back on the floor, feet tucked under her caftan, so not to offend. He rested his now free hand on her knee, his fingers flexing back and forth absently as he talked animatedly with the menfolk.

The male voices, while the winds howled like a bawling wolf, was calming, and she just enjoyed their tones rather than what they were saying. Only to come aware of Hassan's fingers stilling, and tightening around her knee. She sat up straighter as he shook his head. "No, not possible," he denied. "All that is left is the ancient city Kasadar, my city is gone as the people, and we are the remnants." She clasped his arm at his obvious distress.

"Hassan," she begged.

Tormented eyes turned onto her then shut down. "I must apologise for my behaviour. So you are telling me my Kasadar is still very much around, and filled with my people?" To be confirmed upon.

"Go and find Imad for me Elena," he ordered. She looked at him, searching. "Now," he barked. The complete submissive man was gone.

She didn't correct him on his tone or orders, because he was obviously upset. He had never spoken to her like this before, though confused her, rising to her feet and bowed, then departed. The last time she had seen Imad had been with the children and women. Only to stop, when she saw him, pacing the hallways.

She charged up to him.

"What's going on, and tell me now. Hassan is very upset." His eyes widened and began to fiddled with worry beads; she had never seen those before. "What have you done? I have seen Kasadar, stayed there, and yet Hassan, a royal prince didn't know of its existence."

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