Chapter Ten

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After a quiet dinner, Hassan was more reserved than she had ever seen, sending her off to bed early, saying he had a lot to organise for their journey to the ruins of ancient Kasadar. She had a strange night, excited to see her father, and wanted to pass onto her mother, he was just an old forgetful bugger, and no harm had come to him. He had never been gone so long, he had always had breaks, and came home for a month or so, but this time he had stayed away.

Having breakfast alone didn't help, feeling Hassan was pulling away from her further. She missed his company to wander around her wardrobe, sorting out some clothing suitable for tracking the desert and ruins. Nothing seemed suitable. When she had left home, it hadn't mattered, so what had changed. How were they travelling to the ruins and how far was it from here? Why didn't she ask those questions? Because as usual, Hassan distracted her thoughts.

Of course, suitable clothes were sent to her, something she should have known. He always looked after her needs. The outfit she had worn in the desert on their ride together. She did love it so.  However, firstly she headed down towards his baths, since it was always ready, she had a quick soak, then dried and changed into her provided clothes.

Hassan was waiting for her in the courtyard with camels.  Once more she was back on the beast that she actually missed, and they headed out. The city was further out than she had thought, and in a different direction than the one they went to the oasis.

The palace itself was a part of the beginning of the mountains, and they were heading across open spaces, heading towards more mountainous terrain in the distance, and it seemed in the direction she had been travelling that day he had stopped her, and was escorted to his home. They rode mostly in silence, his body language giving off the signal, he wasn't in the mood for talking, so rode silently behind him, taking in the views.

Funny thing was, she didn't miss the heavy traffic, congested streets, and the noise of a busy city lifestyle. It was rather peaceful out here. Serene. Skies a perfect blue, and sands golden, and glistering under the very bright full sun. She reached down for her water bottle, and drank the cool, refreshing water that trickled down her throat.

She eased up closer to Hassan, and eyed him sideways, behind her sunglasses that protected her eyes from the sun. He looked straight ahead, head wrapped in the headdress, eyes hidden behind blackened sunglasses. His features taut and focused, by the way his gaze didn't falter. He didn't even glance at her by a turning head, chewing on her bottom lip. He had changed, since he had decided to take her to her father.

"How long before we get there?" She asked, hating the silence between them, and she didn't really understand it. He had changed since the bout. Maybe he was like other men, who didn't like women, who can defend themselves, speak their mind, and had an opinion.

"Soon," came the one syllable come back, short and sharp. Okay, got it, didn't fall into your wishes, and he was distancing himself. Fine, she sniffed to herself and stared ahead, dropping back a bit. They didn't even stop for lunch, eating sandwiches as they rode.

Then they were there, approaching an entrance towards more mountain side. Approaching the hills, they came upon an opening, and entered through towards a tight windy trail that broke opened out to a plateau, where the ruined city lay before them with a few standing tall pillars in the backdrop with arches. Off to the side were pitched tents, a campsite, and open burning fire, set in a circle of rocks. She followed Hassan off to the other side, where they lowered the camels and together headed towards the ruins.

She couldn't believe her eyes that filled with tears. Her journey was over; she had found what she was looking for, her father. "Dad!" She took off running towards the man amongst the ruins of the ancient Kasadar. His head popped up and tilted his hat back and looked at his daughter running towards him, scarf falling off, and chestnut hair blowing behind. A tall, slender, older man with a salt and pepper beard.

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