Chapter Twelve

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Hassan walked her back to her rooms, where they shared a long, lingering kiss, before she floated inside her rooms, her long gown flowing around her. Hassan was finding it harder and harder to let her go, standing in the empty doorway for ages, then slowly turned, and headed back to his very lonely, large bed.

He left before she woke.

Alone, Elena walked through the empty palace walls, feeling lost, so headed towards his rooms, to be closer to him, even slept in his bed that night. Another day to herself, she had breakfast on the balcony above the garden below that she explored after she finished eating, losing herself in the sheer beauty of his garden, discovering hidden treasures of seating amongst the ferns.

The greatest find was a gurgling water fountain that was calming and relaxing. When she wasn't in the garden itself, she stood at the open door with the broken latch, staring across the vast golden desert sands. He was somewhere out there; she closed her eyes and prayed for his safe return soon.

Finally, Hassan was home, jumping down from his kneeling camel, leaving it in the care of his man. He had more important things to do. Number one on his list was to see to a certain beauty, who hadn't left his mind since he had departed. Next time he was bringing her with him as she asked, it had been too painful being away from her. He charged through the palace, waving away staff as they approached.

The hour was late; it can be seen to, tomorrow, barging into her rooms that were dark. He headed straight for the bedroom, opening the door, expecting to find his angel sleeping in her bed. Not the empty bed. Spinning on his heels, he stormed out and through the palace roaring, having staff running towards him. No one had seen the mistress.

Cursing under his breath, he sent them off, searching the baths, all of them, anywhere she could be, while he charged into his rooms that were also dark. He headed towards his bedroom to stop dead at the sight of his bed, which was not empty. She was sound asleep in his bed, on her side, hugging a pillow, bedding up to her waist, looking a picture of innocence, having no idea of the panic she had caused through the palace. Stepping backwards, he waved down Imad, who entered in a flap.

"Everything is fine. Tell everyone to go back to what they were doing or go to bed, and close down the palace," he closed the door and faced the man. "I know exactly where she is, and is safe. I would deal with it." Imad nodded and disappeared.

Relieved, Hassan ran a hand over his face. He was tired and had been looking forward to seeing her again. Laughing softly, he shook his head, even when asleep, she was stirring things up. His mother would have loved her for sure. His father. An ache filled his heart, because he did not know his father, who had been taken from him, a long time ago.

Before he went to bed, he let her sleep, while he had a small snack and drink after the long nonstop journey to come home. He entered the bedroom, turned on a soft bedside lamp that gave a yellow glow across her, but not strong enough to wake her. He went off to get ready for bed.

He stood beside the bed, where she had made herself very comfortable in the middle of it. "As much as I want you in my bed, my lady, you need to learn how to share, or perhaps that was a good thing," he smiled to himself and eased down at her side on the edge of the bed, too tired to care, twisting on his side, watching over her as she kept on sleeping. Dark lashes rested on her pale skin. Instead of touching her as he wanted to, he switched off the lamp, swamping them into darkness, released a long sigh of contentment, and closed his eyes.

Sunlight fleeted across the bed from the semi open curtains; Elena stirred awake with a smile on her face. Her prince was coming home today. Her eyes opened and looked upon her prince, as if he had magically appeared before her very sight. She chewed on her bottom lip.

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