Chapter Eleven

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"And leave you alone, unprotected, I do not think so."

She looked up again, chin on his chest. "And we are staying longer?"

"I am sure the men would be entertained by your antics."


"This is where we leave," Henry noted and headed back towards the tents.

"Now I know where you got the royal we from," Hassan noted dryly.

"We are under British rule, you know."

"You soon will not be," he stated taking her hand and guided her towards the tents. She slowed down still not so sure of this. Sharing a tent with him, alone, could be a very dangerous thing for her virtue, she was sure of it.

Hassan glanced back at her hesitant gait. "Only sleeping," he added.

"Which could also mean other things," she pointed out. He stopped and she walked into his back. "Hassan," she moaned, placing her hands on his hips, yet rubbed her face against his back.

"When I say we are only sharing a bed for sleeping, then it is only for that."

"How disappointing," she teased, feeling a little bit better.

"Stop tempting me, you little witch. You know my rules on that, only as my wife." She peeked around and looked up upon his dead, serious face.

"Okay, sleeping," she pushed him forward. Her hand dropped to pat his bottom. "Come on, I need some sleep."

"Now, who is being pushy, and," he swiped at her hand lingering on his bottom, "that stops now."

"Comes from the man who is always touching me, awaking me to all my senses, which I can't used to the fullest, where's the fun in that, I ask you."

"I did not say we could not enjoy touching, just consummating this relationship, until it is correct in the eyes of...."

"You, I know." He took hold of her hand, guiding her around towards the front of him, lifting her off her feet, where she wrapped her arms around his neck as he walked towards the bedding area of the tent.

"You want this body, you have to marry me."

"Hassan," she moaned, then squealed as he tumbled her down onto the bedding, covering her body with his, then he was crushing her lips with his own. Okay, she had asked for that. "As you wish," she whispered against his lips. He eased back.

"Ha!" He scoffed rolling to sit up.

Elena ducked under the covers as he stood and stripped down to nothing, then lowered and went under the covers at her side. She snuggled closer to him. At least she was covered. "Um, what are you doing?" She asked as he started lifting her top.

"I do not like anything against my skin." Her eyes widened. "I meant it Elena nothing."

"What about the bedding?" She protested.

"Not restricting like clothing."

"And how am I restricting?"

"More to do with I don't want anything between us. Come on Elena it all comes off."

"Even my underwear?"

"Of course," his lips brushed her lips, then he ripped off her top. "Shall I do the rest?"

"No," she eased down under the covers, and dumped beside on her side to be taken in Hassan's arms and found herself crushed against his body. Both naked, and pressed against each other.

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