Chapter Twenty-One

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Running through the palace, phone in hand, Josephine burst into Elena's room, Hassan's old one, feeling closer to him here, where she was having her hair prepared for the wedding. She had been totally pampered.

"The dress is missing in action!"

"What do you mean my dress is missing in action?!" Elena spun around in horror at her mother.

The one-off Paris house designer dress was worth a small fortune. Last minute alterations with a promise it would be back before the wedding. Panicked, she glanced at her watch. Five hours to go. The pulse in her neck throbbed at an unhealthy pace.

"Not lost, just in transit."

Waving at the hairdresser to stop with her hair, Elena pushed out of her chair, pacing the room. "I can't get married in my underwear." She clutched at the opening of the white, silky, satin nightgown.

Suddenly the doors burst open and her father rushed in, wide eyed. Her heart sunk lower in dread. Now what? "There is a sandstorm approaching fast."

"Great, so much for infrequent occurrences, isn't one enough already," she grumbled under her breath, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. "Mum, I need the dress diverted to the city palace," her mother spoke into the phone she was holding then shut down. "And I have to find a way out of here, before the storm hits. Once it does, no-one would be leaving." Been there, done that. She turned to the hairdresser. "Pack up your stuff, you're coming with me. Mum, dad, grab whatever you need, we are out of here. Whose idea was it for me to get ready here, anyway?!" She snarled, storming out of her rooms.

"Yours my dear," her mother reminded her.

"Yes, well, that was stupid of me. He is going to kill me!"

One of the staff came running up to her, handing over a phone. "Hassan?" She answered with hope.

"You do realise there is a storm heading your way, my love?"

"Um, yes, we are heading out now." She won't mention the dress; hopefully by the time she got there, it would've also arrived.

"I'm sending in the cavalry to bring you all back, they should be there within an hour." Her heartbeat slowed, and breathing eased. As usual, he came to the rescue.

"Thank you, baby, and I swear, I'm listening to you next time." He laughed softly in her ear, both knowing she had a mind of her own.

"Now, do not be late," he teased and hung up.

"Darling, don't you think you should put something on?" Her mother suggested. Stunned, she stopped, and looked down. Of course, she couldn't arrive at the city palace like this. Oh, the scandal, she smiled to herself, kissed her mother's cheek in passing and rushed off to put on some clothes, jeans and T-shirt, easy for travelling in. That looked out of place with her fancy up do hairstyle.

Leaving the bedroom, she spotted her tiara, grabbing it on the way, and rushed out, joining the others at the entrance hall. The eight foot gates already open, waiting for their arrival. Quickly, she did a count in her head about travelling time; there is no way they could make it here and back by car. It had taken days by camel. He did say the cavalry.

"Quickly, Hassan has sent in the air force," she rushed outside, down the steps, and raced towards the gates with her entourage. Within the hour, should've told her. Her eyes darted around, looking for signs of the plane, only to still at the sight of a dark, and threatening, menacing front, approaching from the west.

Her eyes scanned the skies, heart in the throat. "There," she pointed towards the skies with relief. They watched as two air force helicopters landed just outside the gates. With no time to waste, they were rushed upon the helicopters.

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