Chapter Three

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Once she was seen to and given the all clear, Hassan eased her up into his arms and carried her back into the waters. "What are you doing?" she gulped, placing her arms around his neck as they entered further, lowering into the waters.

"Believe me, you would thank me tomorrow, these are healing waters." She must admit the water did feel good against her body, and was still fully dress, though the dress did cling to her every line, almost see through. Hassan lowered further into the water, so it was up to her neck. Her eyes widened at the sight behind them.

"Well, that was useless," she pointed at his towel that floated by, keeping her legs higher and crossed. Her arms tightened around his neck, lifting herself higher, so they were almost eyes to eye. His breath warm against her cheek, smelling of coffee, his eyes hooded.

"You have nothing to fear from me Elena," he whispered her name. Why did she have a feeling, he was going to be the greatest threat against her heart. "I will only remove your outer garments, and I have already seen your very interesting underwear."

She was still so shaken by the fall to lift a hand or argue, closing her eyes as he walked out of the pool, carrying her. However, she must admit she did feel better, resting her head on his bare shoulder. "However, the first thing you're going to do, is replace the towel that's floating around somewhere." He placed her down on a bench, leaving her. She breathed in deeply and opened her eyes, feeling calmer.

"Hassan?" He was nowhere in sight.

"What is it Elena?" How easily they fell into calling each other by their first names. Natural as breathing. She sighed, looking across the water and surrounding underground area.

"Never mind," she stood and walked around the pool, drawn across by the darker area of one wall. As she got closer, she realised it was a built in door that looked a part of the wall, yet was a patterned interlacing design, not solid. She pulled the doors opened and gasped at the cosy sitting room with all around bench with padded seating, ottomans and a circular table in the middle. Lanterns hung from the ceiling. She looked down, finding no carpet, however a rug, further back.

She stepped in, closing the door behind her, making sure she was standing on the ground at the entrance. Turning, she looked out through the curved patterned openings and could see across the pool area, which one had a good view of. One could spy from here, she smiled to herself. Spying on Hassan, floating through the water, as his towel still did.

Suddenly, he stepped out into view, wearing a long sleeveless garment that lapped over at the front held together by a wide waisted belt, keeping everything in place. His hair damp, brushed back away from his drop jawing features. Fascinated, she watched as he placed hands on his hips, looking around, muttering under his breath. He turned to leave, stopped, spotting something, frowning, and followed a line, stopping in front of the doors, and in front of the doors. He stood there, and then lowered, so they were staring at each other, eye to eye. He captured her gaze, also her breath; heart pounding as he stared at her like an eternity, then opened the door exposing her cubby hole.

"How did you find this?" He asked.

She stepped out. "It was darker and was curious."

His brows came down thoughtfully. "Yes, you have a curious nature," that lifted, eyes twinkling. "So do you like?" She stepped out further behind him, making sure she didn't wet him.

"I love it, a secret cubby hole. Close the door and nobody can see you." She looked at him for reassurances.

"True, it's designed that way. It's the way the carved pattern was slanted from the outside to give it an illusion no one can see unless, you know," he demonstrated by his hand the slanting. "But inside it's a lot clearer. Come to the back and let me show you." Shaking her head, she stepped further back. He was frowning again.

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