Chapter Seven

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Unlocking the door, he entered his chamber, meant for her protection, and the first thing he noticed was, she wasn't where he had left her, in his bed, which would never do. Sighing, he raked a hand through his hair, and began searching the other rooms, his heart suddenly racing when he came up empty handed. Where did she go? How could she get out?

His eyes went straight to the balcony doors and noticed it was ajar. Relieved, he charged over and stepped out. No, not possible. Empty. He edged over the balcony railing and looked down at the courtyard below. She would not dare!

Yes, she would, scanning the courtyard. What did he have to do? Tie her to the damn bed? Leaving the bed chambers, he flew down the stairs that led into the courtyard. Approaching the door that was shut, he turned the handle that opened and entered. He searched the whole courtyard. Not a sign of her. Had she gone back to her own rooms?

The banging of a door had him cross over towards the only door that led out into the desert. That was always locked because of its broken latch. He stepped out and looked across the desert. Why? Why would she put her life in danger?

Furious, he spun on his heels, leaving the door unlocked, just in case she came back. He left the courtyard, waking his men and got a search party ready. Taking the lead, he rode out of the palace on his black Arabian Stallion, followed by the best trackers and guards. Her trail was picked up easily by the stillness of the night as they rode further into the desert. Stopping, he dropped down to check for footprints.

No wind to disturb her footsteps. Saddling his horse, he followed her directions; she was heading towards the oasis. How could she possibly have known the way towards the oasis? He really needed to talk to his people about not telling her anything.

She had a habit of using it against him, like now. It still hurt him that she ran away from him, when she had been so docile in his arms. He should have known it would not last. Every now and then he stopped, just to make out her tracks, and yes was still heading in the right direction.

Seeing her at the oasis, standing near the water, he waved his men back to the palace, telling them he would back, at the latest tomorrow. The woman needed to learn her place. Dropping from his horse, he tethered him to a dead tree that had fallen down, and walked towards the oasis, towards her, silent as a cat, creeping upon their prey. The air turned blue with curses.

He stilled as she threw a handful of sands into the water in anger, confusing him then sighed. He had done something wrong again. What? Leave her? So she runs away sulking with no concern over her or his welfare, when he had not done anything wrong.

"Well, stuff him," she mumbled under her breath, was all he could make out in her sudden rampage. She turned suddenly, faltering at the sight of him, standing directly behind her, features hardening, violet eyes narrowing. She was magnificent. Of course, she would have to marry him. To have that kind of passion in his bed, in his life was beyond anything he had ever known. "I'm not talking to you," she hissed, turning her back on him, crossing her arms, her usual defiant stance against him. What a woman, yet, was still so angry at her for what she had done.

"Good, then you can listen to me for once," he growled, stepping towards her. "What you did was foolish and downright dangerous."

She sucked in a sharp breath. "Oh, no, we can't have such a prize escape your clutches." Suddenly she spun on him. "I know your game mister and I won't be a part of it. Got it!"

His eyes narrowed. "So much for not talking to me," he snarled. "From now on, you would do as you are told Elena, or you would be locked away in your rooms, until I say differently."

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