Chapter Seventeen

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Others run out onto the balcony. Familiar arms went around him, placing his own arm around Elena, holding her face against chest as he snapped orders. Debris from the helicopter was plunging down towards the ground.

He could only hope it was in the desert, not in the city.

"Sire, there is panic at the gates."

"Then open them and let my people in. Show them that they are safe. Give them food and something to drink. It's over, finally over, and he will never come back." Another man came running in.

"The explosion was outside the limits of the city," he was informed, much to his relief.

"Go and make sure there are no survivors. If there are any, bring them to the hospital, and make sure all their needs are seen to." However, he feared no one would have survived that. The helicopter had been blown to smithereens.

Still holding Elena against his body, he walked her back into the palace walls, where he gathered her face into his hands, holding her searching eyes. "I need to see to things. I want you to stay here. Imad would see to all your needs. It has been a long journey that we have travelled; now it is finally over. Have a shower, something to eat and drink, then Imad would bring you back to me."

He could see her struggle, and then slowly nodded, reluctantly. He placed his lips on her forehead, he waved Imad over. "You would see to all my beloved queen's needs, you will not leave her side, and bring her back to me."

With another kiss and he was gone.

Elena watched on hopelessly. Why did she get the feeling it was truly over for her, shaking her head. They had a pact. They belonged together. Turning, she walked out back onto the balcony and instead of a desert, she faced a city, a real city filled with people, spread out before her.

This was Hassan's destiny, his home. His life. Did she truly belong here? As a queen? In the far distance was a plume of black smoke, rising towards the heavens from the burning wreckage.

She had come a long way from finding Hassan, her father, to this. A kingdom that needed fixing. The people needed him, but did he really need her? Was love enough to see them through this, she hoped so.

"Mistress," She turned and went to join Imad, who led her through the palace to another private room, where she showered that was actually refreshing and enjoyable, though did miss her bath. Once changed into new clothes that had been waiting for her in the adjoining bedroom, she had something to eat and drink, finally finding her way back to Hassan.

He had changed, yet looked so different. A man of importance. A man held in great redeem as he went over issues with officials of the palace, his own and this palace, guards, and representatives of the people.

The grounds of the palace were crowded.

Food and drink passed around. The distressed and weak brought into the palace and their needs seen to. Many doors have been opened to the people. Word was spreading like wildfire. Hospitals overrun by people who couldn't afford to seek treatment, now did for free.

Curfews had been lifted, so the people could come and go as they pleased, without restrictions. There was cheering in the streets, celebrating. Tables brought out into the streets to form one long line as a feast of freedom was being seen to. Each brought what they could add to the long line of food and drinks, sharing with each other, enough for everyone to join in the feast.

Today they celebrated; tomorrow the real work would begin.

Hassan glanced over the head of men and smiled at the sight of Elena standing off to the side, a picture of beauty, suddenly surrounded by women. Speaking their language, she soon was engaged with the people. Nodding, he smiled at Imad. All was good. His people were free and he had his queen at his side.

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