Chapter Four

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"Are you saying I shouldn't get on your bad side Hassan?"

He eyed her closely. "I do not see that happening ever with you," he smiled.

"You really are a smooth operating charmer," she shook her head, then again, he really wasn't, because he meant everything thing he said. It wasn't a line someone used to pull someone. Instead of a curious arched brow they went down, annoyed.

"You think I am not speaking the truth?" He asked, sounding insulted.

She shook her head. The problem was, she did believe him what he had ever said. Why her? What has she got that no-one else had? Or was it because she was the first female he had seen in a long time.

She forked more egg mixture and placed in her mouth. "I think you speak the truth, your truth," she added as an afterthought. This time his brow went upwards, and one side of his lips curled.

"A very educated truth," he agreed.

"Ah, then I came along." He made no comment on that just gave a full smile, eyes gleaming. God help her now, her insides twisting up in knots. So much for keeping her distance. He was deadly with a capital 'D'.

"That was the most interesting breakfast, I have ever had," she stated, changing the subject. "The most amazing flavours. Your food is simple but full of flavour." He smiled his approval, eyes warm, watching her enjoyment.

"I am so glad you like what we are."

The way he said things, just makes everything so personal and shifted in her seat, reaching for the sweet tea and sipped from, though, did relax, fallen under his caressing tones as they just talked, laughing, and enjoyed the beginning of the day with no undertones. "Though I must admit I do miss my vegemite," she sighed as she pushed away her plate, having enough, leaning back, and finished off the last of the flat bread.

"If you desire such things, I am sure I can supply some with you."

She shook her head. "Somehow I don't think so. It's a very Australian item, and I'd probably be gone by the time it was shipped here." His forehead lined as he frowned again. "Thank you for your generous offer, but I wouldn't waste your time, or your money, Hassan. I'm enjoying what is on offer here."

"As you wish," he waved away, though still looked bothered by such things as he rose to his feet. "I do have to leave, and I hope you think about my offer." She also stood and walked him to the entrance of her rooms.

He paused at the door and turned back, finding her directly behind him. Hassan stepped closer, holding her gaze as he threaded a hand through her hair, tilting her face up towards him. "Tell me you would join me for this ride. I want to show you something special, and thank you for breakfast," he planted a kiss on her forehead, then he was gone. 

How could she refuse such an offer? She raced out the door after him. "Yes!" She called after him, stopping him as she stopped in the hallway. "Yes, Hassan, I would love to go riding with you," she answered from the heart. She just couldn't keep away. He went back to her, hands behind his back.

"I would have suitable clothes sent to you for your ride. Let's say in a couple of hours. Your dishes would be cleared away. Thank you," then he walked away without trying to touch her. Her heart sunk in disappointment, but she wanted him to keep his distance, hadn't she? She had no idea what she wanted anymore, he was confusing her.

She headed back to her room and sat down, needing this time to just reflect on. He really was a man from a different time and space. She mustn't take what he said at face value, he just spoke in a different manner. Something she would just have to remember, and take the man, not what he said, or the way he said things, because he had a good heart.

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