Chapter One | Crash Landing

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Clutching the armrests of her seat, Miranda Wright knew something was wrong. The turbulence was the worst she'd ever experienced and being a frequent flyer due to work; she knew turbulence. The engines chugged and groaned, fighting against the wind. Opposite her, the only other passenger on the small charter plan seemed oblivious to the disaster that was around them. More lightning lit up the heavens before the plane dropped - loosing more air before the roar of effort filed the cabin and slowly they went back up.

Tap tap tap tap

"This is your Captain speaking, due to the change in weather conditions we will be taking a minor detour to try and avoid this rough patch. Please ensure all seatbelts remained fastened." The old captains voice did nothing to sooth her and looking behind her seat, the flight attendants kept themselves strapped in. Judging by the looks on their faces, they weren't used to it either.

Tap tap tap tap

"God Rory, stop tapping the fucking pen!" Miranda growled. Slowly releasing her grip on the armrests before checking her belt was still fastened.

"Relax Andy, this is one of the most sophisticated aircraft in the sky. Besides if we die, its all thanks to your boyfriend," Rory smirked, unbothered by the way the interior looked like it might fall apart any second or his boss's short temper. "Sorry, your boss."

"Boss, Rory, how many times do I have to tell you - he's only my boss. We had one kiss at last years Christmas party, it changed nothing!" Miranda managed to hiss at him while her teeth grinded together. She knew that was a lie, but would never admit. For all the promotions and oppurtunites that came her way, she couldn't fool herself for ever it was simply because of her work ethic and great organisational skills. The lights flickered and from above them, the oxygen masks were deployed. It was at that point in time the plane began to tilt towards the earth and gravity was forgotten.

"Please, no one is that desperate to get someone across the country if its strictly professional!" Rory snapped and once this was over, Miranda wondered how hard it would be to find a new personal assistant. Finding a good worker was hard, but finding one who could keep their mouths shut was impossible.

Thinking back to when she had taken on the internship when she was only eighteen had been risky, but had paid off and from her six months in the lower level positions she knew how brutal the office grapevine could be. Rory was easily the gossip king these days and what rumours he had started regarding her relationship - or lack of with their boss had her getting even more agitated. Then again, thinking of work or more so the gossip there, managed to distract her long enough so when the situation hit her, she fumbled with the mask as Rory put his on with more ease though with the same amount of urgency.

"Masks on and wait for further directions." The Captain blurted over the intercom. The private plane was too small for Miranda's liking. At least being on a domestic flight, there were more people, more plane and surely someone else would be freaking out to make her feel better as Rory acted like nothing was wrong.

Sitting opposite Rory wasn't how she wanted to die. Maybe tonight would have been the night when Jason finally took her into his office and did more than praise her work or tell her how much he loved her... working for him. As the lights blacked out, the Captain screamed mayday and the air hostess fainted. Miranda doubted she'd ever get to find out. Daring a look out the window, lightning lit up the sky to reveal nothing other than tree-tops. She didn't even know they flying over a forest and in the chaos of the situation she found a second of clarity to try and work out the detour the Captain had been taking.

Trees scratched the side of the plane and one of the engines exploded sending flames to tear up the rear of the aircraft. Rory screamed from behind the yellow mask that hid half of his face, though Miranda hardly heard a sound and as he reached out to take her hand, the slow motion ended and in a blur of flames, smoke and flashing lights the plane returned to the earth. Miranda's head snapped backwards against the headrest and as hell was unleashed around them, she missed it all - retreating into the peace and darkness of her mind.

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