Chapter Sixteen | Girl Talk.

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The workbooks sat open, but unused on the table between Braydon and Carolina. She had decided it would be better for them to get to know each other before starting his tutoring, and Braydon knew why she was really doing that. Playing dumb was easy for him though, letting her talk about herself rather than ask him questions. For the most part he was actually interested, only the guilt at lying to Miranda was stopping him from enjoying himself.

"You're not very talkative are you?" Carolina asked, sitting back in her chair she studied Braydon closely. That got his complete attention and being under her scrutiny only made his anxiety worsen.


In some ways, his resistance in acknowledging who she was had Carolina doubting herself, and getting frustrated. It wasn't supposed to be like this. If you found that spark, that connection with another shifter - you pursued it. It was a primal instinct, yet here Braydon was, hardly giving her the time of day.

"So, amnesia must be hard to deal with?" She asked, wondering if maybe it wasn't her, but Braydon who had the issue. "Do you remember any, special talents, you might have?"

The question was well hidden and the internal dialogue from his wolf ceased, as now it was Braydon's turn to look at her. Carolina didn't expect the sudden change, as he got tense and was practically glaring at her. Leaning in close, his voice was strained and with a warning to back off.

"I am well aware of them. Just like I am of yours."

Carolina only frowned, not understanding. If he knew, then what was the problem? He should be glad to find his own kind, his mate. It didn't take her too long to work it out; the human girl.

"You should know our kind doesn't get so close to humans then, or did you forget about that?" She met his gaze, not hiding her displeasure now.

Braydon was speechless for a moment, wanting to tell her to mind her own business, yet the words never came.

"I know you've had a rough time, we all have at some point. We can take things as slow as you want, but I think you need to get back to a pack environment. It might help you remember who you are and-"

"No. I don't need to remember who I am and I don't need pack!" Braydon snarled.

"Why? What kind of shifter are you then?" There was no venom in her tone now, just a desperate plea, as she wanted to understand.

"I don't have to tell you anything!" With that Braydon got up and packed his bag, not sure what he was going to do exactly as Miranda had said Rory was coming to get him. "Goodbye Carolina."

Braydon marched out of the library and left her to her own conclusions. In a stroke of good luck, Rory was coming down the street at the same time and waved him over.

"Hey bro! How did it go?" He asked casually, the pair falling into step with each other as they started in the direction of Miranda's apartment.

"It was, interesting." Braydon mumbled, distracted over what had just happened.

Catching the hint, Rory only nodded. "Well, how about we get some pizza from that place on the way and if you don't tell Andy, I can even slip you a few beers."

Mimicking the way Rory spoke, Braydon nodded starting to feel more relaxed the closer they got to home. "Sounds good bro!"


In a case of perfect timing, Miranda reached out to hit the button for the doorbell just as Abby opened the door with a very excited four year old pushing around her legs.

"Aundy Andy!" The mirror image of her mother, Emma managed to get outside and instantly had her arms around Miranda's legs. "I miss you!"

"Oh Emmy, I missed you too!" Miranda cooed, gently running her hand of the mass of curly black hair.

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