Chapter TwentySeven | She Runs With Wolves.

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While there is some info on Miranda and Braydon post break up here, there is also a cameo from the She Runs With Wolves crew. If you haven't read it, I'm sorry because it's a bit of a spoiler as this is set after that story is finished, so you'll get an idea on how it turns out :(  I just think Bianca is the perfect person to talk to Braydon.


Hearing the knock from the front door sent the dogs into a tail wagging, barking frenzy. Pushing through them, Helen ordered them all back from the door before she dared to try and open it and the lone appearance of her daughter wasn’t what she was expecting. Clearly the dogs knew otherwise as they broke their sitting positions, jumping up excitedly to greet their ‘sister’.

“Andy, honey, what are you doing here?” Helen didn’t hide her surprise and using her knee kept the dogs back enough for Miranda to slip inside.

“Um, thought I’d stay here this weekend?” She answered weakly, instantly throwing all her attention to the dogs that begged for it.

“You’re always welcome love, but where’s Braydon?” Looking outside, the taxi pulled out from the driveway with no one getting out.

 The pair of them were usually joined at the hip and after yesterday, she expected them to be nursing a hangover due to their night out. Glancing at her wrist, it was barely on nine. Did Braydon go to work with Don?

Miranda didn’t answer, dreading the onslaught of questions that were bound to follow now. Why had she come here? Well, she knew why. It was out of the city - the furthest she could find somewhere easy to hide without getting on a plane. That thought made her shudder and dumping her overnight bag by the staircase she let the animals guide her to the sofa.

The second she sat down, Milo was giving her a thorough inspection while Razor’s large form jumped up to crush her legs as he flopped down against her. Tracey appeared at the back of the pack, yawning loudly as she had come inside to see what the commotion was about and ignoring Milo, climbed up onto Miranda’s lap – ending his sniffing attack.

“Hey old girl.” Miranda hugged the mutt, fresh tears making the soft patch of fluff on the dogs chest damp. As if sensing her pain, the dog got settled, offering a small lick on Miranda’s cheek.

“Cup of tea?” Helen offered, trying to distinguish Miranda under the mountain of dogs as Rufus joined in the cuddles. Sure they weren’t supposed to be on the sofa, but she was going to let it slide; just this once. Miranda didn’t respond and with a sigh, Helen went into the kitchen and put the kettle on, picking up the phone from the wall and called her husband.

“Hello Helly, what’s up?” Donald greeted casually, the barking from around him just as familiar as his voice.

“Is Braydon with you today?”

“No? He had that do with Andy last night. I’m not expecting him until Monday. Why?”

“Andy is here.” Helen lowered her voice.

“With you? Why?”

“I don’t know. She isn’t right Donald.” The seriousness to her tone got Donald’s attention and moving into his office, closed the door.

“What do you mean she isn’t right?”

“She came in, went onto the sofa and hasn’t moved or said a word since!” Helen babbled, her gut instinct supporting the fact she should be worried.

“And Braydon isn’t there?”


“Think something happened between them? What if she didn’t like his makeover?”

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