Chapter TwentyNine | Back Home.

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Carolina was hiding something.

Braydon knew it. His wolf knew it and even the pups sensed something was going on; something big. She’d been avoiding her father, and neglecting her strict learning regime with the pups. For Carolina to act so detached from her pack was very out of character and Braydon would have noticed sooner if not for the zombie like state he slipped back into in the couple of days following his attempt at seeing Miranda again.

You know what you want. Why are you here?’ The wolf had pressed him.

“They don’t want me. What’s the point?”

Then you should make them see how much you want it. I want us to go home.

Looking at the pack, Braydon wasn’t sure how he’d go leaving them. He couldn’t take them all with him, and if he left this time, they’d be no coming back or trying to be friends so he could stick around. Besides, what was Carolina hiding? She’d fidget with her hands whenever he asked her what was wrong while avoiding making eye contact and mumble something about having to go and do anything that gave her an excuse to walk away.

So on Thursday morning when she left the house to go to work, Braydon and Chad followed her. She didn’t do anything suspicious, going to her scheduled class and doing what she was paid to do. They were almost disappointed with that.

“What do you think she is hiding?” Chad asked Braydon curiously. Giving up, the duo went to a nearby café for breakfast.

“No idea. I heard her talking to Manuel about someone wanting to meet with her, well with us, but she hasn’t said anything.”

“Are you going to leave?”

“What?” Braydon instantly felt uncomfortable.

“Things are clearly not working out for you guys. So are you going to leave? You’re not really mates, not like any I’ve known. Have you even kissed her? Why did Miranda kick you out?”

So Braydon told Chad the truth, about everything, though had he been paying attention instead of making Connor a friend, he would have known most of it already.  The pup once again showed that while he may be young, his mother had raised him with a keen understanding of the world. The human world, not the shifter one she had tried so hard to protect him from.

“You’re an idiot Braydon. You’ve seen enough TV to know that when the girl doesn’t want to see you, you make her. You buy the biggest bunch of flowers you can afford, you knock down whatever doors separate you and make your undying declaration of love!” Maybe it wasn’t his mother who taught him a few things, but the romantic drama’s she liked so much.

It then occurred to Braydon, they all really did watch too much TV.

“Life isn’t like the movies.” Braydon reminded him.

“No, but chicks aren’t really that hard to understand.” Chad acted like he knew a lot more than he did.

“You’re sixteen, what do you know?”

“More than you. I’m not the one sitting back doing nothing when from Rory told me, she’s actually leaving next week.”

That surprised Braydon. “You spoke to Rory?”

“I actually called her office and after a few clever moves on my part, got that out of him!” Chad grinned.

Getting up, Braydon went and paid for their meals before dragging Chad out of the café. He walked quickly, and with purpose, leaving the pup excited to find out what was going on. Getting to Miranda’s building, the security guard knew him and happily called Rory downstairs though when he came down, he was almost set on asking them to remove Braydon before he made a scene.

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