Chapter ThirtyTwo | Allies and Enemies

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With Miranda busy looking at dining suites, Braydon lingered in the bedding area of the department store and took out his mobile phone for the hundreth time. His suggestion of checking out a few furniture stores before heading home had been a simple solution for delaying their arrival and finally he got the message he'd been waiting for.

All clear. C

To say he was surprised at Bianca's willingness to help him would be an understatement, yet he and his wolf felt it right to trust them. Bianca had sent Adam, and Taylor to watch Miranda's home, with Cody going along incase of any trouble.

"Hey, what are you doing over here?" Miranda looked at Braydon who didn't seem to actually realise he was now surrounded by baby furniture. 

"Ah, just browsing." He lied quickly, before seeing the blanket set. "Remember I told you about that other pack, with the human?" Miranda nodded, "I thought I, we, could get her a present? They would be a good alliance to have."

"Oh good idea! Do you know what she is having?" Miranda turned to the wall of gift ideas, not sure if a pregnant shifter was any different to a pregnant human. 

"A pup?"

"I meant, boy or girl?" She rolled her eyes, and picked up the same blanket set Braydon had been looking at. "I'll take that look on your face means no. How about this? White is neutral and it's all made from organic material. I think that is meant to make it better or safer or something. I dunno? Oh look, it's got a little wolf looking puppy on it!"

Braydon had no idea what to say to any of that. "Sure. What ever you think! Um, ready to go then?"

"Yes!" Miranda blurted out a little too loudly and taking Braydon's hand, the duo forgot all about baby gifts and went back to her new car.

 The trip home seemed to go too quickly for Braydon and pulling up on the drive, he sensed the others nearby the second he got out of the car. He moved around to Miranda's side and opened her door, keeping her close as they got a few bags of groceries from the back and then headed inside.

"Have you heard of personal space?" Nudging Braydon with her elbow, Miranda moved to the front door and went to open it. The way he was acting had her nervous, especially since he was sticking closer to her than a shadow.

"Sorry." He mumbled, looking over the empty street before following her inside.

 Everything was how they left it and once the groceries were put down in the kitchen, he went to the back door and checked the yard. Nothing. It wasn't that he doubted Cody, he just needed to check for himself.

"Braydon!" Miranda's whisper was more like a quiet yell and going back inside, he found her standing against the wall by the fridge and pointed to the window, before mouthing at him 'wolves'.

Instantly Braydon was back outside, and looking around the side of the house, Cody and the other two were coming down the side path. Despite knowing they were friend, not foe, Braydon didn't stop the wolf from growling and prepared himself to shift should he need to defend Miranda.

In seconds Cody appeared before him, the small pouch that had bee worn like a collar, now hung against his chest and the human looked Braydon over cautiously. Despte knowing Bianca was the one who was the most dominant in their establishment, Braydon could tell that on his own, Cody was a force to be reckoned with too. "Welcome home?"

Braydon sighed, trying to calm himself down. "Thank you, all of you, for your help."

"We understand. If Bianca wants to help you, we all do." He assured Braydon.

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