Chapter Seventeen | Competition

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Miranda was thankful Jason had been out of the office all day as she didn’t need him asking her any more questions than necessary over her current state of mind. Braydon had been acting strange that morning and her thoughts was more focused on him than work. She didn’t think Rory minded though, as his beers at her place had turned into a few more drinks with his roommate when he got home and he had been nursing a hangover all day.

Spying Jason towards the back of the restaurant, Miranda took a deep breath and smiled at the maître de as she slipped passed to where he was waiting. He didn’t notice her at first, sitting on his mobile and he jumped, startled as Miranda pulled out her own chair.

“Hello Miranda,” he quickly stood, reaching over the table he kissed her cheek before she took a seat.

“Hi Jason, were you waiting long?” Miranda asked politely, taking the wine menu as it was offered to her by a passing waiter.

Conversation was reduced to cliché pleasantries as they spoke about their day and the weather. Once Jason had ordered for them, talk moved onto work in general as Jason filled her in on his reconciliation with his business partner, and what he had planned for the future.

By the time their main meal had arrived, Miranda was thankful she had something to busy herself with other than the boring, rather awkward and forced conversation. She was gulping down her wine like a fish out water and looking around them, had never felt so out of place. The corporate crowd of CEO’s and executive managers frequented the rather high end restaurant after work. It was a place to show off their success and women who despite it being only midweek, were dressed in more formal cocktail attire with various jewels gracing their necklines. Miranda regretted not bringing a change of clothes to at least try and dress the part, rather than look more like the restaurant staff. 

“So Andy,” Jason started, taking Miranda’s hand from across the table. “You and I-“

Miranda froze for a second until her nerves took over and she cut him off.

“Jason, it’s not you, it’s me. I think we should just stay friends!” Miranda blurted out, unable to free her hand from his. She probably could have handled that better, but what was done, had been done.

“I don’t!” He yelled, not quite believing she was turning him down. Instantly he had the closest table looking their way.

“I’m sorry, I just. Well I don’t feel that way about you.” She answered gently and looking into his eyes all she saw was his hurt from her rejection. Miranda never knew Jason had been so invested in their relationship, which only made her question so much more about their past.

What had changed between both of them? Had it been her ability to take a step back from the situation to see its flaws or had he simply realised what he would have lost if she really were gone? Miranda felt her chest constricting as her mouth went dry, not liking the confrontation this was leading to.

“It’s because of him isn’t it?” Jason dropped her hand, sculling what was left of his wine before signalling to the waiter nearby for more.

“Him?” Miranda repeated, confused.

“Wild man. Don’t play stupid with me Miranda!” The venom he used in saying her name had Miranda wanting to leave, but instead she sat up a little straighter with her chin held high. She wasn’t going to be bullied by him.

“Nothing Jason. It has nothing to do with Braydon.”

“Bull. Shit!” He sneered, glaring at her.

“Jason, please settle down.” It was more than the closest table looking at them now. “You’re being ridiculous!”

Jason didn’t believe her, but decided to let it go; for now. “Then why?”

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