Chapter TwentyThree | Nicholas.

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Monday morning came too soon as Miranda was still fuming over the suit shopping fiasco. At least Braydon had told Carolina no to seeing them that weekend and the pair had been able to stay home, together. Now Braydon was on the train to meet up with Donald for work and Miranda took her time walking back into the business district of the city, trying to work out the best way to approach Jason.

It didn’t help she was still trying to work out if going with Gray was the best decision. The longer she stayed in the city, the more she realised she hated it. Her apartment was never completely quiet and even in the more suburban location where Abby lived, the traffic was forever echoing from nearby freeways. The air was always tainted with car fumes and she hated the travel out to her parents’ house. Not that she wanted to live with them again, but with Braydon working with her dad and the more frequent visits, it was tiring.

It would be nice living closer to home. Not just for the convenience, but she had missed spending time with her dad and family. Thinking it all over helped calm her down in regards to having to deal with Jason, but instead her stomach was in knots considering the change.

“Morning!” Rory greeted, a little too happily.

“Morning Rory.” Miranda sighed, opening her door. Going over to her desk she slipped off her flat shoes and replaced them with a pair of high heels while Rory stood in the doorway.

“Have a good weekend?”

“I did actually. Well except for having to watch the Spiderman trilogy and then the new one with that Emma chick in it. You know, I really don’t think I like her as a blonde.” She mused.

“Braydon really loves watching those movies doesn’t he? Is it because he remembers them or is he just a closet geek like me?” Rory laughed.

“Yeah, he really does like them. I think it’s something from his childhood and he can just identify with them now. He kind of thinks he is like them, living a double life because of the whole,” Miranda hesitated, stopping herself in time before she blurted out Braydon’s secret. “Amnesia thing. Whatever helps him get through it you know?”

“Yeah, I guess. Who knows, cut his hair and put on a mask and he could be Spiderman!” Rory joked.

Miranda laughed, imagining her own wolf related superhero for a second. “How about you? How was your weekend?”

“Met up with some friends Saturday night and slept off my hangover yesterday.”

“So why are you so happy this morning?” Miranda looked at him suspiciously.

“I may have met a lady and she ah, I got a text from her last night. I was already in bed, but I sent her one back this morning and now we’re meeting up for a drink after work tonight.” He gushed.

“Oh that’s great!” It then occurred to Miranda, she’d be leaving Rory behind. They’d only worked together for just over a year and despite all his gossiping skills, he was a good worker and she had him trained to suit her needs. Would Rory want to move with her and even if he did, would Gray let him?

“It’s too early to get excited, but she’s pretty awesome!”

“Well keep me posted. Is Jason in yet?” Since it would be another half hour before the office filled up, Miranda decided that if she was going to yell at him, the less ears around the better.

“No. I forgot to tell you, he called about ten minutes ago and was going to be working from home.”

The way Rory’s face went blank and his tone became so passive told Miranda exactly what Rory thought of their boss right now.

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