Chapter Nineteen | House Guest.

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Two weeks went by in a peaceful blur. Mondays and Fridays saw Braydon going to work with Miranda’s father and Braydon loved it. The first day he had been given the basic duties of helping with dog walking and feeding, shadowing Donald until two of the dogs became over excited, turning on each other during training. Thanks to Braydon’s authority coming into his tone when he went help separate them, they were quick to drop their focus from each other to him and his promotion from poop scooper to learner trainer was awarded immediately. Donald saw the natural talent he had in acting as an authority figure with the canines.

Braydon also learnt to catch the train our to Miranda’s parents’ house and back again on his own, a tiny achievement that meant so much more to him as he found some independence from Miranda. Since she was starting her full time hours again and Braydon’s abilities only helped their relationship. Now she wasn’t worrying so much about him adapting to the city life, they managed to focus on other things only for themselves and time spent together became more cherished.

Their routine was easy to establish, with time spent after dinner going over Braydon’s homework together before he would play his video games with Rory or they’d watch a movie or TV curled up in each other’s arms.  Carolina was nowhere to be seen on the days Braydon was at college and while the first couple of times he was thankful, on the third week – he couldn’t help be worried over it.

“Kyle, sir, I was wondering if Miss Corbani was okay? She hasn’t been in lately.” He asked his teacher after class.

“Yes Braydon, she just swapped her teaching days to Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. Easier for her. Did you need some tutoring? You seem to be doing really well?” Kyle finished packing away his desk, noticing how worried his student was looking.

“Oh, no, I was just curious.” Braydon smiled, quick to leave.

He barely made it the main entrance when he was able to smell her before actually seeing her. What happened to changing days?

Walking into the foyer, Chad was also with her and turned instantly as he sensed the other shifter. The pair stared at each other for barely a second before Chad dropped his head and moved to the other side of Carolina. She didn’t even acknowledge Braydon, finishing her talk to the receptionist before picking up a folder and heading out the front door.

Ignoring Braydon worked and just as quickly he chased after them. “Carolina!”

“What?” She snapped, spinning around to face him her anger was more obvious that the tired lines that circled her eyes. Her usual radiance wasn’t there and instantly the wolf felt more restless than it had in weeks.

“How are you?” Braydon stuttered, feeling as awkward as Chad did hiding behind his leader.

“Fine!” Carolina growled, crossing her arms impatiently.

Neither adult spoke as they rather just glare and step from foot to foot uncomfortably instead. The icebreaker came in the form of Chad when he noticed the transformer symbol on Braydon’s t-shirt, which was one of his own favorites.

Braydon caught him staring, instantly getting self conscious, even after Miranda had assured him it was kind of hipster to wear things with his cartoon favorites on, what ever that meant. The blockbuster status of the movies only made it more acceptable for adults to have children styled clothing, yet even that made no sense to him other than the fact he could wear all sorts of cool t-shirts and no one was suppose to think he was strange. It reminded him of a pair of Spiderman pajamas his mother had got him when he was ten and yet his father had told him he was too old to wear things like that. Miranda like his mother told him he could wear whatever he wanted.

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