Chapter TwentyFour | World Keeps Turning

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Jason sat on his iPad, while Miranda was busy messaging her mother about seeing them on the weekend. Getting away from the stress that had only grown since Monday was a tempting offer, but Miranda didn’t want the hassle of the trip out to their house. With the way Braydon had been acting, it wouldn’t be easy to try and explain or at least make up excuses for his odd behavior.

He hadn’t freaked out like she expected; well not straight away. He simply got up, returned in human form a few minutes later and went to sleep. It had been two hours later he’d woken her when he had been mumbling to himself as he’d paced up and down the corridor. Letting him have his moment, Miranda was quick to get up when he ended up on her balcony, in wolf form, howling into the night. That was bound to get the attention of her neighbors and half the city.

Since then he’d acted like her personal security guard. He was up and ready to leave to walk her to work before Miranda’s alarm went off and had been sitting in the lobby making friends with the security guards on the front reception desk. Enlisting the help of Chad, he’d covered every inch of the city looking for some kind of sign of Nicholas still being around, only to come up empty.  It was the part of the reason Miranda why hadn’t refused the offer to go out for lunch today. If she didn’t think it was safe, she wouldn’t be pushing her luck.

“Someone is popular.” Jason mused, finally getting off his own device. It was good timing as their lunch arrived and Miranda put her phone back in her bag.

“Mum.” She sighed.

“How is everything going now?” He asked, genuinely interested.

“Good. I just hate the trip out to their place and she wants me there every weekend. It’s exhausting.”

“Yeah, I can relate. Mine just got back that Alaskan cruise and now I have to go suffer through holiday photos!”

Miranda laughed, and the pair carried on chatting like the old friends they were as they ate their lunch. For a while there it was as if no time had passed and other events or people hadn’t happened to interrupt their relationship. Since the visit from Nicholas, everything else was kind of put on hold. Miranda had no idea of the implications of his visit for completely different reasons to Jason, who was still extremely paranoid he’d come back. He wasn’t aware of who their threatening visitor actually was like Miranda, but he was putting his and Miranda’s safety as a priority, as well as the rest of his staff. Miranda also couldn’t tell him that there hadn’t been a sign or scent of Nicholas since Monday as Braydon had literally been on the hunt for his long lost Uncle.

It wasn’t just Miranda’s need to talk to Jason about what happened between him and Braydon that was on hold, as Jason had no choice other than doing the same with his investigation on Braydon. The only thing not diminished was the need to find out what the other man was hiding. The threats and actions from Nicholas only had Jason’s interest growing as he was positive he had been right about the wild man and nothing good could come from having him around.

Until the mystery of it all was solved, Jason kept a body-guard close by whenever he left home. It was this man Miranda saw when she looked towards the bar where he sat rather inconspicuously with a pot of tea, making small talk with the barman opposite him. Braydon was a little calmer that morning, and while he had decided not to go into work, incase Nicholas knew his schedule – Miranda decided the danger had passed for the time being. That meant it was time for other things that had still been bugging her and was the other part of the reason why she was now out at lunch with him.

 “Jason, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about what happened the other day.” Miranda started, deciding now was a good a time as any. Putting down her chopsticks, she reminded herself to stay calm. Yelling wasn’t going to do any good.

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