Chapter ThirtyThree | Number Five: Acceptance.

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Waiting. All Braydon seemed to do now was wait. He waited for the morning argument with Miranda about getting up. He waited for Taylor to arrive to take Miranda to work. Then, for most of his day, he waited for her to come home, all while waiting for an attack he knew was coming. 

Chad hadn't been able to tell him anymore than he had a few days earlier. Everything in the Corbani household had returned to normal; like Braydon had never existed. Carolina went to work, the pups had their home schooling and Manuel floated in and out depending on what ever business he had to attend to.

Nicholas had returned home too. From what information Bianca had got hold off, well, the information Connor passed on - confirmed everything did seem to be settling down. Braydon didn't believe it, yet there was little reason for him not to. After talking it over with Bianca, she didn't either despite what the others were starting to think. Something didn't feel right and they had also found out from Bianca's Alpha friend, Dean, some of his pack had been offered a decent sum of money in exchange for information on her family.

Thanks to their loyalty to their own pack, it didn't take long for it to be traced back to Braydon's uncle. They already knew his involvement so it wasn't a surprise, but it also meant that they probably knew Braydon and Miranda weren't alone now. Maybe it was enough to deter them from trying anything else.

Lost in thought, Braydon failed to hear Taylor's car until it was in front of the house and before she had even put it in park, Braydon had opened Miranda's door.

"Seriously, you'd think I'd been gone for a week!" Miranda teased, as Braydon nearly crushed her against him.

The reality of it was, she felt the same way and hugged him back with all she had. There was something different about the pair of them now. It was hard to describe, but ever since Bianca and her family had gotten involved, Miranda really did feel like she was one of them. As a human, with only human relationships to base her experiences on, Miranda didn't understand how it was possible to be so in sync with another person. Even now in Braydon's arms, she could feel him on much more than a physical level.

People who lived together were bound to end up picking up each others habits, get a sense of their moods and thoughts. Yet she knew it was something more than simply finishing each others sentences or being able to sense what they were feeling and thinking without actually seeing them. Bianca had told her, had she been a shifter, she'd be used to feeling so connected to people like this. It was what bought them together as a pack and what bonded mates. Miranda also would have been able to have more of a sense in regards to Braydon's wolf too, as hers would have bonded to his by now.

The whole thing fascinated her.

It really was magic and the fact Braydon was an actual wolf shifter should have been a sign to Miranda that things were never going to be the standard human kind of love and relationship. When Braydon had told her he was hers now, forever, she really understood what that meant. Because of this, Miranda could only imagine how it would feel for Carolina, which was why she didn't think it was over yet either. 

"I missed you," Braydon murmured against her hair, breathing her scent in like it was for the first time.

Miranda didn't answer, simply thinking how much she had missed him too and Braydon felt it. It was like a tug in his chest, an ache of loneliness that was being erased now they were back together.  He hadn't expected to feeling a bond quite like this Miranda, but the fact he did was enough of a sign that he had made the right choice. Not that there was any doubt to start with.

"Right, well before you two go all lovey dovey and make me want to throw up, you okay if I go Brayd?" Taylor lent against her car, looking more amused than anything else.

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