Chapter TwentyTwo | Suit Up.

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Sitting outside in the busy cafe, Miranda had to laugh at Abby as she started to sulk about not meeting Braydon. "I mean, he has looked after my little girl how many times? I'm a bad mother for not meeting him on that alone!"

"I'll see if he can come to work tomorrow after school rather than him meeting Jason at the tailors. Besides, Grant has met Braydon so you know he really does exist and he seems to like him right?And Rory would tell you if he wasn't someone to keep around. God knows you two love to gossip about my life enough!" Miranda pointed out, pausing as the waiter arrived with their lunch.

"I'm off tomorrow and I'm ignoring that. We don't gossip! We discuss, because we care." Abby defended, "Emmy is in love with him. Look out Andy, you might have some competition. All she talks about is Baydon this, Baydon that!"

Again Miranda laughed, yet Abby saw the slight frown that followed. "What was that for?"


"The sad face." She pointed out.

"I don't really need any more competition for him. I kind of have enough as it is!" Miranda admitted.

She then proceeded to tell her friend what she had told Jason, with a few more juicier details she wasn't going to share with her boss. All she really wanted to do was tell her about the mate fiasco, but that was even more impossible than sharing the fact her boyfriend is a werewolf, well wolf-shifter.

"We really need to have lunch more often. You've got more drama in your life than a Kardashian!" Abby declared, soon going quiet as she thought it all over.

By the time Miranda got back to the office, she didn't exactly feel any better after sharing her issues with her friend. Still lost in thought, Miranda was startled as she went to go into her office thanks to Rory springing up from his chair to stop her. "Gray is in there. Jason doesn't know, he's asked for it to stay off the radar." 

"Really? Why?" Miranda didn't any more drama in her life, especially not at work now things were back to normal with her and Jason.

"No idea. Feel free to put speaker on your phone so I can find out!" Rory winked before taking his seat.

Straightening her skirt, Miranda checked her breath and walked in trying to look as professional as possible. "I almost didn't believe Rory when he said who was waiting in my office!"

"Ah Miranda! Did you have a nice lunch? I didn't think you left this desk once you got in! I was almost positive you lived here." He joked, ignoring the more formal approach of a handshake and giving her a light hug, complete with a kiss on the cheek.

"Well, I'm finally starting to see there is a whole wide world away from this place!" She answered grinning, before moving around the desk and returning to her seat. "As good as it's good to see you, I'm guessing this isn't just a social visit?"

"Still right to business I see!" The older man smirked, "but first, how are you? I heard the truth behind your "vacation" from Jace. I have to say, you look radiant. A bit of time outdoors has given you a nice glow! Maybe we all need to get back to nature every now and then?"

Miranda blushed slightly, not used to compliments coming from her old mentor. "As bad as it all was, I'm actually thankful. It really put a lot of things in perspective for me. Between us, I kind of miss the serenity of it all."

"You have no idea how much I can relate to that. I took the wife camping a couple of months ago. She hated it, but you know, going back to basics was great!" He paused for a second, studying Miranda before carrying on. "I've heard some other things about the new you along the grapevine and I'm glad to see it wasn't all lies. It's part of why I am here today." Now it was down to business.

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