Chapter TwentyFive | Falling To Pieces

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The dining table had disappeared by the time Abby had finished helping her sister unload all of her beauty and hair products. Braydon stood nearby listening to Emma tell him all about the story book she had drawn for him, yet he was completely entranced by how much Jessica had in that black bag. It was as if it had a never ending bottom as two hairdryers, three different styles of hair straighteners and a bag of curlers, were pulled free next. Emma turned the page, earning Braydon’s attention once more and he went back to listening to her story.

“Thanks for coming again Jess, you did an amazing job last year!” Miranda returned with two coffee cups for her stylists. Rather than booking into an overpriced salon and pay people she didn’t know for a job she rarely actually complained about, Miranda preferred to give her money to someone she knew and did wonders with her hair. Jess had her own business as a mobile hairdresser and beautician so it worked out well for all involved. The fact she was also Abby’s younger sister helped too.

“Anytime Andy!” Jess barely looked up as she sat arranging everything she’d need.

“And then it beginned to rain ice-creams and we all had ice-cream and that’s my pink one and you can have the blue one and,” Emma stopped, frowning.

“What’s wrong?” Braydon asked, not sure why a story ending in ice-cream could make the little girl upset.

“I forgot Andys!” Emma ran over to her bag and pulled out a purple crayon, snatching the book from Braydon so she could quickly draw in another ice-cream. “And that’s the end!”

“Wow Emma. That would have to be the best story I’ve ever heard!” Braydon applauded Emma, making her cheeks redden with a blush as she smiled up at him.  Going to hand it back, Emma shook her head.

“It’s for you to read!” Her smile only widened as he accepted her gift.

“Emmy, I hope you’re not annoying Braydon?” Abby asked cautiously, still not quite sure what to think about Braydon. He wasn’t what she had been expecting at all, with his long hair and facial hair. She’d never known Miranda to even consider being with someone so, unkempt. Sure he seemed nice enough, and finally seeing Miranda with him filled in some gaps, but some part of her still presumed she’d see her friend walking down the aisle with Jason.

“No!” Came Emma’s reply in such a way she expected duh to come next.

“It’s fine!” Braydon assured her mother, not liking the way she kept starting at him.

It was then Braydon’s phone beeped and ruffling the top of Emma’s head, Braydon left his seat beside her and went to get it from the kitchen, unable to stop the smile that appeared. With Miranda distracted for the majority of the day, he had his own things to attend to.

“I’m going out. I’ll be back later.” He told Miranda, kissing her cheek as Emma attached herself to his leg.

“Why can’t you stay Baydon? Can I come?”

Miranda wasn’t sure what to say. Where could he be going? He stopped his classes last week, so it wasn’t like he had anywhere to actually go.

“Not today Emmy, but how about you write me another story?” In one swift movement he picked her up, and sitting Emma back at the table, saw her pencils and colouring book. Perfect.

“But, I brung my movie. Don’t you want to watch the bears with me?”

“I would love to, but I really need to go.” Braydon got another text and quickly put it in his pocket.

“When will you be back?” Miranda asked cautiously, walking him to the door.

“Oh, soon. Um, have fun?” Braydon smiled and quickly disappeared out of the door, leaving Miranda with no doubt that again he was going to go see Carolina and he still couldn’t just tell her that.

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