chapter one

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Gon and Killua were wandering in the park and Killua was so angry....

"How dare you eat my chocorobot Goooon?!" Killua shouted...

"Nee, calm downnn, you will get high if you eat another one!" Gon sweat dropped and replied..

"Shut up! I will not! Buy me chocorobot now!!!"

"You will not?!?!?! IN EVERYTIME YOU EAT MORE THAN TWENTY BOXES OF CHOCOROBOTS, YOU GET HIGH! AND YOU DO THE STUPIDEST THINGS EVER IN EVERYTIME LIKE DANCING IN STREETS, TALKING IN A WEIRD ACCENT, GETTING NAKED, KILLING SOMEONE! YOU ARE AS DRUNK AS POTATO!" Gon stopped walking and waved his arms up down and up down rapidly by the both sides of his body and clutching his eyes while he was talking...

"Huuuuh! You liar!!! P-potato?!" Killua said and pouted, Gon inhaled and locked up the air in his mouth and furrowed his eyebrows, still closing his eyes...

A while later, Gon opened his eyes to face Killua and he noticed someone laying on the grass behind Killua...

"Wha~" Gon put his hand in Killua's left shoulder and stared to the point in concerned-focusing eyes and Killua glanced directly to where Gon was staring, "what Gon?" Killua continued his citation..

"That figure.... isn't breathing......" Gon said while furrowing his eyebrows...

"Let us go and see"


They drew near toward the figure and saw a pale-white female..

"She's around our age Gon." Killua said, while turning his gaze toward Gon worriedly.

Gon kneeled across to her and check her breath by putting his fingers below her nose. When he did that she started breathing surprisingly...

Gon open his mouth slightly while Killua kept focusing on her eyes. Her eyes were barely opened. Gon helped her to sit up. When her vision become clear she didn't avert her eyes from Gon's even once...

"Your eyes.... so bright" She said calmly but coldly...

"Y-your eyes are... purple...." Killua said which made Gon to turn and glance at Killua.

"Who are you?" She said to Gon.

"I'm Gon" He said with a bright smile like always.. Killua shivered and face palmed mentally at this.

"I'm Killua, but who are you? Are you training to hold back your breath or something?" Killua said coldly like ever and was putting his hands behind his head.

"Who am I? I dunno" She looked blankly at her thighs.. "but I know my name is Nilover and I was dead".

"What a weird name!" Killua exclaimed and both Gon and Killua didn't hesitate to ignore the last part of her sentence.

"Haha Killua it's a flower!" Gon laughed at Killua's comment which made Killua sweat dropped and rubbing the back of his neck.

"A-ah whatever" Killua stuttered. And in whole both's arguing, Nilover didn't avert her gaze from Gon.

Gon looked at her confusingly and uncomfortable while Killua was jealous and irritated.

"Uh-hum I think you didn't know where you are from, so I will take you to our apartment.. is this fine with you?" Gon stated and she nodded after that, in no time Killua shouted by, "WHAT?!"

Gon ignored Killua's madness and held Nilover, bridal style, and went to his apartment followed by angry Killua 'jealousy killua ;p'


Mwahaha, Cliff hanger.... don judge my stories from my first chapters dorks.....

Yeah it's small but it's the second part of the prologue k?

The next chapter will be longer than this don worry... and yeah no ship for Gon and Nilover don worry again...

Thx for reading...

Gold-Purple eyed mysterious friend (Book One in Gon and Killua's adventures)Where stories live. Discover now