Chapter Three

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Nilover squinted her eyes and tried to see the foggy scene in front of her. She tried to move but she noticed that she can't.... She was tied by a rope.

"Yo!!" Killua smirked when he noticed her presence.

"Why..." She said tearfully.

"U-um calm down Nilover..." Gon beamed after he stuttered worriedly.

"Look! I wanna know who are ya! You must know that your answers will make you alive or dead! So answer carefully" Killua said seriously. Gon gulped and Nilover nodded. "Who are you?!"

Nilover gulped and frowned... "I answered this question more than one time do you remember?"

"I'm the one who ask questions.. Second, Who are you?" Gon and Nilover frowned simultaneously.

"I said I don't know!!!!" She yelled. Gon was confused.

"Zip your mouth or I will make you shut up and talk to me politely! Understand???!!!" Killua said with cold voice. Nilover started to cry. "Third, Who are you?"

Nilover didn't know what to say now, 'He will not stop until he get a good answer and a convinced one... I know that...' Nilover thought.

Nilover started to sob hardly.. "k-killua..." Gon said worriedly.

"Gon.... Don't intertwine yourself please.." Killua mumbled.

"Then ask her something else... She really don't remember who she is!" Gon said.

"Geez... do you really agree with her?! Gon! I know you're so loyal and innocent also sincere and so much sincere!! But Gon! If it's hard for you to lie then this isn't mean that it's hard for the others... So please stop.." Killua said reluctantly and Gon lowered his head to face the ground.

"I-I don't know...." Nilover murmured.

"Fine, If the final question goes negative then you'll die..." Killua said and his gaze became cold as ice.

Nilover shivered... then turned to face his gaze...

"Why you said that to Gon, Why you listen at our conversation, why your eyes' color became gold, why you said that Gon's eyes will be yours..."

She put a surprised face, "I-" She was cut off by Killua, "Absolutely not! I will not agree on 'I don't know' thingy... Think before you answer..." Killua said putting air qouts on I don't know, "you have 20 minutes by yourself, any negative reaction or any try to kill anyone I'll kill you" He said coldly and grasped Gon's wrist and sit on the couch silently in front of the whity girl.

Nilover was sweating hardly, She looked at Gon for help but he was still facing the ground. After some minutes he glanced at her . His bright caramel orbs caught her dark violet lily one. He beamed to cheer her up. She felt warmth, She wanted to hug him...

And finally she decided to talk... "I don't remember anything, I don't even remember that I do something to Gon, I don't know who I'm but I feel that I'm dangerous... I'm so dangerous.... Gon's eyes are so bright... I thought that I will live a good life, a normal one, if he's beside me, protect me from the darkness... I just remember when I went to your bedroom and wanted to knock the door.. and I'm here now... please help me to know who I'm" She finished and Killua sighed in agreement and a small smile achieved his pale lips, Gon's worried eyes started to sparkle and a wide grin on his mouth after he saw Killua's reaction.

"I will untie you now.. We will help you but if you try to harm us then we will too!" Gon said while smiling and in his eyes the concern showed up.

"Yes.. Of course you must do this!" Nilover said with joyful voice.

Gon untied her and she's free.

"I'm so tired can you show me my room?" Nilover said tiredly.

"Ok!" Gon said heartiness.

Gon and Nilover went to where Nilover will sleep. It's a visitors bedroom.. Killua used zitsu and followed them quietly...

Gon shivered but didn't try to caught killua, he sensed him by En. "Here you go! Your room Nilover!!" Gon smiled.

"Thanks Gon.." Nilover said and she was trying to mimic Gon's smile. Gon laughed, "It's okay.. don't force yourself.. I'll go now, if you wanna anything, just call me or Killua."

She nodded and closed the door..

"Now!!! Who is there?! Show yourself!"

Killua turned off the zetsu and walk from his hidden place.. "I'm Killua.."

"Yeah I know you are Killua!" Gon chuckled.. Killua face plamed himself. "Then?"

"Nothing weird I think..." Killua answered.

"Fine! Lets get some sleep"

"I will eat chocolate and come after you"

"Don't eat so much or you'll get high!" Gon puffed his cheeks.

"Kaaay" Killua said with catty face and went quickly to the kitchen while Gon go to Killua's bedroom..

They will sleep in the same room for emergency cases.

Gon put a mattress on the ground and laid, thinking silently and facing the ceiling. Then he drifted off.

Killua came to the room, half high or will be high after some minutes and drifted off beside Gon.

~Three hours later~ Midnight☆

Gon sensed a move in the room. He opened his eyes but didn't see anything but his hunch said that someone is in the room.. Killua didn't awake.

Gon glanced at the dark, he listened and listened... Someone was crying.. he opened his eyes to see a red dot, no a flame, no a bloody eyes floating on the air.. Its shape changed to become a bloody eyes... just eyes floating... glancing at Killua angerly..

"W-who's there?" Gon stammered.

The bloody eyes drew near and near toward Gon and Killua then closed... A bloody hand with no skin appeared from vaccum with bloody claws wanted to cut Killua's neck until Gon screamed and hugged Killua closing his eyes fearfully........


Hi, hope that you liked it and so well guyz tell me your opinions pleeeaaaze. Yes cliff hanger:3

Thanks for reading...♡

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