Chapter Four

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The bloody eyes drew near and near toward Gon and Killua then closed... A bloody hand with no skin appeared from vaccum with bloody claws wanted to cut Killua's neck until Gon screamed and hugged Killua closing his eyes fearfully........


"G-Gon?" Killua said. Rubbing his eyes then blushed.

Gon sat up averting his eyes upward, downward, to the left, to the right....

"What? A nightmare?" Killua asked.


"I'm fine Gon..." Killua smiled and went to his bed.

~Gon's POV~

I'm sure that it's not a nightmare, a daydream? A blurred eyes? No! It's so real...!

I began to shiver at the thought and looked at where Killua was sleeping. He was looking at me.... worriedly...

"You can't sleep?" Killua asked me.

"I-its not that... I lost in thoughts... Good night Killua..." I ressure him and I noticed that my arms wrapped eachother. I let go of them and went to sleep.

I couldn't sleep the whole night, glancing in every place, I wanted to check on Nilover but I'm affraid at Killua so I didn't move from my mattress.

~No one POV~ Morning☆ 10 am.

Killua woke up and took a quick glance on Gon who was staring at the ceiling. Gon felt that Killua woke up so he turned to him and smiled.

"Good morning" Gon said.

"You... Are you slept? Your eyes are dull Gon..." Killua said softly.


"Don't lie idiot" Killua sighed heavily "What was that nightmare about?" Killua added.

"N-nothing important.."

"You're too stuttering Gon"

"Mhmm sowwyy" Gon said smiling.

"Geez forget it.. lets go and make some breakfast."

Gon nodded and they get washed and changing for everyday's clothes then went to the kitchen.

"Good morning" Nilover said.

They nodded with mouth full. She put a dish and ate with them. Nilover stared at Gon.

"What happened? Where's the sparkle in your eyes?" She asked.

Gon looked at her once then gulped his food then looked at her again and smiled. "Nothing don't worry..." Killua looked at him worriedly but continued eating.

"If he said nothing then no one will جهmake him confess so forget it.." Killua said after he gulped.

Nilover turned her gaze to Gon then to her half full plate then to Gon's empty plate. "Wanna share it with me?" She said questionably.

Killua's head reddened from anger and before Gon could speak he said, "No he can't! Over eating is not healthy!!"

Gon began to chuckle, "Yeah you're right but you're the last one that he allowed to say such a thing! Candy crush!!!" Gon said then laughed Killua puffed his cheeks and turned his gaze to the wall while crossing his arms, "Well yeah, you can't do anything for this jealous boy.." Gon added smirking then beamed. Nilover was surprised about their beautiful friendship.

She was just watching them fighting. Killua was blushing and denying his blush and jealousness while Gon was insisting about them and laughing.

"I-I'm jealous too" Nilover murmured.

Both boys were glancing at her confused not knowing what to say...

Then Gon began to gasp rapidly and shaking surprisingly.

"G-Gon what happened to you?! GOON!!"

Gon pushed Killua and making him fall on the ground. He put his hands on his neck like he was pushing someone want to strangle him. But no one was there.

Nilover was standing emotionless, not knowing how she should interact.

~Gon's POV~

I tried to look behind me and see someone looks like a ghost putting his hands on my neck but not harshly but I can't breathe...

I tried to look behind me and see someone looks like a ghost putting his hands on my neck but not harshly but I can't breathe

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(Like this but small sized and without a knife)

I began to lose my vision until I fall down on my knees and the ghost disappeard....

Killua's eyes watering. It's the first time I see him like this. I caught my breathe and beamed at him but he was totally worried. A smile can't push this worry away.

"What happened to you?! We should go to the doctor!" Killua said between sobs.

"Nee! Don't act like a child, act like casual Killua! I'm fine... Just.. wanna take a little rest."

I gasped when I saw the ghost behind killua. His tall tongue was above Killua's head.

Killua looked at me worriedly.. "Gon?"

My body didn't move, I'm so afraid, Killua looked behind him to see to where I'm looking at. Then turned his gaze toward me while I'm sweating. I expected that he saw him, but his exepression didn't change. I hugged him tightly, my legs was numb.

Am I the one who can see that shit only?!?!?!

Gold-Purple eyed mysterious friend (Book One in Gon and Killua's adventures)Where stories live. Discover now