Chapter Twelve

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~Nilover's POV~

If we didn't succeed in rescuing Killua's soul.... then he'll become... one of us...

I hope his body is fine.... damn this! How did even they find me!?"

~Gon's POV~

Both Gon and Killua did a sharing combat against me... it's hard to fight both of them at the same time!

"Gon! You can use Nen here!!!" I heard Nilover's yell and I nodded then grinned...

First of all, I hold my fist in front of the both who were coming toward me...

Then for sure... Jajanken... scissors!

I cut Gon's left hand by my Nen's sword.... or scissors... Killua was on the right side of him...

He didn't even scream... so the rules are changed in here...

In here I can use nen... In here they didn't feel pain... so this is the hell that Killua was thinking he was in!

But why? Killua is strong... why did this happen to him!

(4 minutes left!)

It's not the right time to think!

I increased my Nen in my scissors and went to cut another part but they're so smart and gaining information from me in everytime I made an attack...

Who in hell are they?!

Killua ran to punch me and I dodged it but suddenly Gon appeared and punched me in the face...

I fell but stood up quickly... not wanting to give them the best of me..

(3 minutes left..)

I saw Killua coughing blood and Nilover's emotionless look on her face... I understand... he's dying!

Killua stabbed me on the back by his sharp fingernails but I didn't avert my gaze from my best friend and his bad situation...

Nilover noticed me... and yelled but I couldn't hear her... I'm focused on Killua... What should I do... the time is almost done!

Damn it!!!!

(2 minutes left!!!!)

Killua's hand penetrated to my stomach... from the back to the stomach... It's for sure my mouth is covered in blood...

And Gon ran toward Nilover and Killua... Oh shit... I won't allow you!!!

I grabbed Killua's hand....

(1 minute left~~)

And, with a scream, I cut it and threw him on Gon and they fell...

(30 seconds left......)

I piked the both of them in the scissors...

Because Killua fell on his abdomen on Gon while Gon fell on his abdomen on the ground.... It's easy to pike them at the sametime....

A flash of light appeared and we're at the same scene from before... but me alone with Nilover....

"Shit..." I mumbled... and sniffed..

"Gon... don't cry please..."

"W-where is he?"

"He returned to his body..."

"Huh?!" My eyes lightened up when I heard Nilover's comment...

"You rescued Killua, Gon! I know where we can find Killua now! When I put a yumi on him and tried to use my vision to find him.. remember?" I nodded.. "I saw two Killuas.... One on the river and he's the fake one, but sure I didn't know that he's the fake one, and a bloody collapsed Killua on a valley or a trough.... which ought to be the real Killua!"

"D-do you remember where you saw him???"

"Yes! It's 100 miles away from us... can you follow me and you're badly enjured? I can go by myself if you want..."



We went to where Nilover told me.... it took a good while and a high pace and wast of energy but... Killua!!! Yes he's Killua!!!

~Killua's POV~

I saw Gon running towards me and he was badly injured... but... he's crying and happy... what happened..

~Gon's POV~

I achieved him... Finally....

"Killuaaaaaaaaaa" I hugged him tightly and we fell on the grass... I can feel his heat arise... I chuckled, "You really are Killua!!"

"D-damn! S-shit!! You idiotttttt that's embarrassing!!! Get off me!!!!!!"

"I'm glad that you are alive Killua.." Nilover said...

"But wait... what happened..." I comfort my hug for him because he was injured too...

I told him and he remembered what happened.. luckily he didn't have a memory loss...

"Ah... but who did this?" I pointed to the bandages that surrounded his body...

"I actually don't know.... I woke up and tried to stand and search for you and those bandages are already there.. also I don't remember how I come to here..."

"I will explain everything to you both.." we exchanged looks because of what Nilover said.. "It's time for the truth..."

And suddenly we heard a scream...

"Gooooon, Killuaaaaa, Are you okay boooooth!!!?" It's leorio's voice..

Me and Killua chuckled when they appeared, they reminded us of the hunter exam... the first part when we ran to achieve the goal.....

Is this grief will end soon or already ended?


To the readers...

Flash back ....

~on the trough..~

"So you're here killua..." The one that heard the conversation of kurapika and leorio in the cafe is already standing beside Killua's collapsed body....

End of flash back....

You can now understand what happened to killua in the valley...

Gold-Purple eyed mysterious friend (Book One in Gon and Killua's adventures)Where stories live. Discover now