chapter seven

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She disappeared in no time with Gon while I have no clue about where she went or how she went. I'm really pissed off right now...

Gon, is he okay? What did she do to him?! He was so gloomy before she kidnapped him... Thanks lord, I got worried nowon.

~Gon's POV~

I heard the purl of the river, no it's the sound of the waterfall... Where am I?

I opened my eyes slowly and saw that I'm sitting on the cold ground.

Am I on the cave? How did I go to here? Where's Killua and Nilover?!

"Oh, you awake!" I heard the soft familiar voice of Nilover approaching me.

"Nilover!!! Where are we?" I asked blatantly.

"In my hidden place.." She answered in a hushed tone..

"Why? What happened? Where's Killua?!"

"We are hiding because of him Gon!"

"What!!? Why?!!"

"He's trying to kill you!" Nilover shouted but also in a hushed voice.

"I don't believe you" I said to her in the most confident yet doubtful tone.

"Why?" She asked softly.

"Because Killua is my best friend! He can't do this to me!! Yes, he's sometimes a little horrific and violent but he really is a kind hearted and coy in the inside... I think you misunderstand him!" I said in my usual childish protest tone.

"Hmmmm" she just hummed..


"What if I tell you what he said?"

"Okay!" I grinned at her and her eyes widened.

"He said that if you want to take another friend with him, and he pointed to me, then he will precisely kill you!"

"No! He's kidding" I said and chuckled.

"Kidding in threatening?" She said confusingly.

"Yup, you know nothing about our friendship!" I pouted, "Don't try to judge Killua or our friendship like that! I know Killua for such a good time... but you know what? Time isn't important either! To build a good relationship you must be sincere with yourself and with the one that you love! Don't lie again! Ah!! I almost forgot to add this.... Trust the one that you like.... wherever! If I would die on Killua's hands, then I'll be happy...."

The silence prevailed the atmosphere as I felt the heavy air that surround Nilover...

When I looked back at her, I saw her...... crying.

Her eyes were not purple anymore. I looked at her dumbfounded...

"N-Nilover?" I stammered but I took a glimpse behind her and saw a red fur ball with fangs with a sharp eyes and he's looking at me, smirking.

I gasped, Killua's right! She's a witch and everything happened to us was because of her!!

If she gets mad or sad or any negative feeling then those ugly ghosts will appeard.

~Nilover's POV~

Gon is smiling... why? Am I funny enough for him to smile?

"Your golden eyes are more beatiful than the purple one! But your purple one have their own attractiveness!"

I opened my mouth in disbelieving.. What did my ears let me hear?

"W-Why are you smiling?! I'm gonna kill you Gon!"

"You would?"

My eyes widened then I frowned and clenched my teeth.

"Are you making fun of me?!"

"No, I want a sincere answer only...." he said with his bright caramel eyes that you can't resist dozing at them....

"Yes! I kidnapped you! And I hate Killua! And I kidnapped you to take my revenge from him!"

His eyes widened a bit but he turned to his smiley face quickly.

"So that it is!"


"Why though?"

I sweat dropped at his stupidity but I really liked  it and I like it more and more in every time that pass! Even if I've been with him for about two days only.....

"Don't you afraid of me?"

"Why should I?"

I chuckled.....

"You know what? Nilover! It's the first time that you express a physical emotion! I'm happy!!" He grinned.

"You really are sincere... and so much innocent..." I beamed.


"Nothing!" I paused.. "No one talked to me like this in my life, I mean everyone was looking at me with hatred and madness... their dark eyes were as dark as the evil eyes.... no one called me by my name before... they called me the purple eyed witch and the people that they don't even know me named me by the Gold-purple eyed mysterious girl... I hate all of them so I harmed all of them..."


"I know! You too are afraid from me!!!" I yelled in frustration.

He smiled and shocked his head.

"Nope, I'm not! I'm just happy that you opened your heart for me" then he chuckled. "Let's fix your mistakes together!"

"No! I'm a witch!! When something bad happened to me... a negative feeling... then my friends from the other world will come to kill that person!! I don't want to harm you Gon!"

"But what about your positive feelings?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"If you become happy and didn't fight your destiny then what will happen? A good friends will come? Or you'll be a good person in life?"

I remained silent until boooom...

The waterfall was split off and Killua jumped in front of us, wearing the best furious expression on his face...

"Killua!!" Gon said in a loud voice and I clenched my teeth...

"You b!tch!!!!" Killua yelled at me and I frowned....

"No Killua it's not a beach, it's a cave behind the waterfall!" Gon said enthusiastically and my expression was absolutely like three points of intense silence same as Killua, 'how a funny stupid boy.....' .

"You baka! Are you alright? Did she do something to you?!"

"Hey Killua calm down! I'm fine! We had a little talk! That's what friends do!"

My eyes widened 'am I already a friend with Gon?!'

"Friends huh?"

I interrupted Killua's rhetorical question while he's looking at me, "U-Uh Killua s-sorry about what I did earlier...."

"I. Won't. Forgive. You!" He said slowly..

"Eeeh why?!" Gon asked mournfully.

"Gon stop that! She's a witch!" I clenched my fists trying not to be sad and harm him for Gon... he's a kind hearted, isn't he? But he's a jealously boy... I will take my time to make him trusting me...

"Gon said that I can turn my negative power to a positive one! I trust him! Please, give me another chan-"

"No.." Killua quickly responded..


Gold-Purple eyed mysterious friend (Book One in Gon and Killua's adventures)Where stories live. Discover now