Chapter Eight

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"Killua!" Gon yelled... "Give her time to talk!"

"Gon stop it!!! What shall I do to stop your innocence in some kind of situations!!! You must choose! ME. OR. HER! Take your time but not so much!"

"Killua!" I exclaimed.

"Shut up! Don't cram your nose in something you not allowed to!!" Killua yelled at me, I began to mad and I felt that I will Kill--

"You want me to choose one of you Killua!?" Suddenly Gon's crooked voice was on sight.

Killua sighed and nodded, "Yes!"

"You want from me to leave her by her own?" Gon pouted.


~Killua's POV~

"Killua wake up!!! Killuaaaaaaaaa"

I opened my eyes...

"W-What? A dream?! No it can't be!!!!" I yelled and finally I realized that Gon is nose to nose with me.. "woahhhhhh you IDIOT!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!"

"I think that you wanted some fresh air...." he smirked..

"W-w-whaaaaat!" I blushed hardly and Gon bursted out laughing...

"Hey hey! Calm down... I was just kidding...."

"G-Gon.... What happened? W-Where are we? I-I can't remember anything! Where's Nilover?" I put my hands on my head to stand it from falling or that what I felt because of its heaviness..

"Who's Nilover?? Oi Killua! Are you sick or something?! Let's call the doctor okay?"

"What?! That girl with white hair and purple or golden eyes!!!"

"Pffft-hahahhaha purple?! Okay I saw a golden eyed before and he was hisoka but Killua you was sleeping for three months!!!"

"Whaaaaaaaat!!!! T-three MONTHS!!!!!?"

"Yeah.... Well, I think because.... Nevermind" He smiled.

"Gon!!! What happened to me!?" I was so serious but I precisely know that the one who is sitting on the edge of my hospital bed is not GON!!!

And Suddenly Gon was so near to me... I could feel his breath! Until he reached me by his nose who touched mine!

Then his mouth drew with a grin that never draw on him before... An evil grin..

"Okay! I'll tell you why you was in Coma! Becauuuuuuse! Haha kidding!!" He turned back and get ready to leave, I was so surprised! My mind couldn't handle it anymore!! Why is Gon acting so weird!!!!?. "Killu! I'll leave for now.. don't step out of bed or....... Just don't try! Or you will lose me forever!"

I stiffened and didn't get the idea of losing my best friend because I left the bed!

"Even if I wanted to go to the bathroom?" I asked with a monotone voice.

"You don't want to! Really... You don't..." Gon said and beamed then left, leaving me with the stunned expression on my face and body....

Relax Killua! Just Relax! Damn you relaaaaaax!!!!! Oof! My body got heavier and heavier until I drifted off and went to lala land.


I opened my eyes to see myself on the hospital again...

"So this is not a dream!" I murmured to myself. It's a private high class room with one big hospital bed and a giant dresser, also an LED Tv.... What the heck, how much this room will cost for nearly one day? No! hour?!

"A weird dream again?" I turned my face to the left side to see Gon who was sitting on the edge of the window and looking at me with his yellowish bright orbs..

"I-I think though.... I still can't remember or believe any of this...."

"Ooh! It's fine!" He grinned, "you overslept for three months, just relax and you'll turn to your usual life sooner or later...."

I nodded in silence..

After a moment of silence, I tried to use my nen but I couldn't come with a happy results... My nen!! Disappeared!!!

"O-oi Gon!!"


"My nen!!!!"

"Your what?!"

"MY NEN!!!!" I yelled for him to hear...

"What is nen?"


"Haha you said it so so so fast!"

"Am I the one who was in coma or you?"

"What a sudden question in all of a sudden?!"


"Hey! Calm down!!"



~Gon's POV~

"I can't leave her by her own!!! Killua just listen to me please!!" I said but Killua was already fell in darkness... or that what I felt..

"Fine! I'm going! Nice to know you Gon!" Then Killua left so quickly with his godspeed. I even couldn't see him when he was disappearing... A speed light!

"Leave him Gon!! He's so mean! I couldn't get how you can even talk to him!" Nilover said like it was a demand and her fists was clenched.

"No! He's my best friend! He's not the usual Killua! Something's odd with him! I'm going to find him! And rescue him!!! You'll see!!"


~Killua's POV~


"Killua!!! I swear if you tried to get off the bed, you won't see me again!!" He yelled when I moved a little..

He's not Gon, his eyes, his smirk, his words, the lack of innocence and stupidity, and the plenty of manipulating in his actions... Something's odd with him!

He's not the usual Gon if we count that he's the real Gon... Nilover! She's the plot! Gon! I'll rescue you!!


Gold-Purple eyed mysterious friend (Book One in Gon and Killua's adventures)Where stories live. Discover now