Chapter Ten

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~Killua's POV~

I woke up and saw that I'm in an empty dark room...

"W-Where am I??" I mumbled to myself but I couldn't see that much in the dark with my tired eyes..

But what I can feel at this moment was my tied hands behind my back with a rope... as same as my  ankles...



"!!" I raised my head to see the one that hummed a second ago and he was Gon!!!..

"How are you now?"

"W-where am I?!"

"I don't know...You Killed yourself a three months ago... and Nilover killed me so we are together here..."

I observed intently to where Gon is, and I saw his neck was tied on a thick chain that also tied on the iron wall... yeah! It's an iron wall.... and Gon's body was covered in blood...

"S-so are we in hell?"

"I don't know...."



"Don't leave me alone ever again.... I missed you idiot......" a single tear dropped from my eye and travelled toward my cheeks then to the neck....


~Gon's POV~

'Don't leave me alone again... I missed you idiot....'

I heard Killua's voice in my mind...

Killua.... where are you?....

Carrying Nilover, piggy style, on my back and continued searching...

She seemed to be sleeping so I didn't bother to take her to the doctor....

After I held Nilover... I began to hear Killua's voice....


'S-so are we in hell?'

If he really is Killua, then who is he talking with? Hell? Where is he? But he said my name.....

'W-where am I?'

He even didn't know where he is...

And suddenly, I saw Killua was standing at the edge of the river....

'Gon? Can you please come closer? I'm cold....'

T-That can't be possible!

I'm sure that the voice is related to Killua... but Killua is already standing here!

'A-Ah sorry... I forgot about the chains...'


Is he talking to me?

Then Killua turned to face me with his cold glare... I frowned and tried to ignore my hunch and thoughts...

No, Killua is in somewhere else. This one can't be Killua! Killua want help!!! It's a trick!

"So this b!tch is still with you?! What do ya want from me Gon!?" The fake Killua said questionably...and a bit angry..

"Who are you?" I asked furiously and afraid from the answer but quickly the fake Killua smiled mischievously...

"How did you know?"

'G-Gon? Why are you so silent?'

"It's none of your damn business!" I'm really mad at the moment!

Gold-Purple eyed mysterious friend (Book One in Gon and Killua's adventures)Where stories live. Discover now