Chapter Thirteen: The truth

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~Nilover's POV~

We went to a hotel with the Oreo and pika men.... I'm a bit nervous to tell Gon and Killua about the truth... but I must to!

Oreo bandaged Gon's injuries very well... "Are you a doctor?" I asked him and my question startled him a bit..

"O-Oh Ah... yeah yeah... I'm...." he said unchalantly and continued bandaging Gon's wounds.

"Oooh!?" Gon exclaimed surprisingly.... then looked at me. I raised an eyebrow that shows what-do-you-want- expression... and he smiled. I blushed then averted my gaze to the ground.

"Nilover..." I returned my gaze towards Gon so did everyone. "Do you remember the huge injury that the fake Killua did it to me? It disappeared! See??"

I got slightly nervous again. Then Killua, who was resting on the single bed across from us, got up and looked a little confused... "a huge injury?"

"Yep! And that's why I ran 100 miles away without collapsing! I was confused at first...."

"L-Listen Gon" I inhaled and fixated my eyeballs on Gon's again. Gon looked a little confused. "It's time for truth..."

The silence prevailed the atmosphere. It's not an awkward silence but this silence is mixed with confuse.

"I'm a mysterious girl, right?" I stopped, then continued:"well, not anymore... m-my f-friend...."

Gon's eyes lightened up and I barely could stand straight because of the heat in my head that made it rotate alot.

"Go ahead..." Killua said calmly behind me, still sitting in the middle of the bed, crossing his legs and putting his elbows on his both thighs...

I exhaled some air from my lungs and put the determinant eyes in front of them... I should be brave somehow..

"You both!.." I pointed with my two index fingures in my both hands towards Gon and Killua whom were sitting in opposite directions... one fingure was pointed towards Killua who was sitting on the bed, while the other fingure pointed towards Gon who was sitting on the settee with Oreo and Pika.... "Remember when you found me in the park?"

"Yeah?" They replied simultaneously.

"Remember what I said?"

They took a moment to think... "You said you didn't remember anything..." Gon said, still thinking.

"And?" I said dismissively...

"And....." Gon said still thinking while Killua remained silent... "Oh you remember that your name is Nilover and......" Gon stopped and his expression returned to become strict.

"And you were dead..." Killua continued.... his face was paler than usual...

"That's right... this is the first point in my life... I will explain.. hold on... a bit...." I mumbled but it was loud enough for them to hear... Pika and Oreo were extremely confused and shocked. Anyway, I didn't expect something more than this....

"I was born in a small village but neither from a mom nor a dad..." I paused to analyze their expression, yeah they were shocked... very very shocked..."I remember that I walked on the dirt and my age around 3 years old.... begging for food... but no one pitied me... I walked and walked... until I heard them talking about me...."

"Did you see her?"


"The small witch...."

"Oh... you wanted to scare me hahaha"

"No! Her name is the mysterious witch..."

"I clenched my fists and let them dig my palms.... My name is Nilover.... the symbol of Love!!"

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