Chapter six

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~Killua's POV~

The fear started to prevail Gon since Nilover came and lived with us ... I doubt that Nilover is sincere... something's odd in her... I can't tell what it is. But if we didn't find the solution, Gon will leave me or something bad will approach us....

"Killua?" I returned to my sense when Gon called out my name.

"Yeah sorry I dozed off..."

"What should we do? How about calling kurapika?"

"No Gon..... we don't have any proof baka, he will think...." I stopped..

"That I'm crazy... right?" Gon continued my sentence and I averted my eyes from his to the ground..

"No but.... he'll think that you're tired or something. That can't help... think of something else.."

"I don't want to give up on Nilover... I think she really doesn't know what's happening..."

Then a super weird idea came to my mind, "yeah but it's not important for her to know!"

"W-what do you mean?"

"Think of it Gon! She said that she's jealous of me for two times, and the two times something weird had happened... hadn't it??"

"O-oh right... but how about yesterday? That floating monster?"

"Well, she was upset because of me tying her by a rope.."

"But it's not a good proof, we can't think of her like that Killua!"

"Yeah, but nothing else we can approach"

Gon averted his eyes to the ground furrowing his eyebrows..

"Let's go back.." he finally said after some minutes of silence..

We arrived home and opened the door, "we're home" Gon said but only silence was the answer for our comment.

"Where is she?" I asked unchalantly..

Gon went to her room followed by me and knocked the door.. "Nilover? Are you alright? We're back..."

No answer...

"I think she gave up and go away" I said..

"No..." Gon said and knocked the door again and again, calling her name in every knock..

Then Gon opened the door,

"Nilov--" Gon got confused and stopped calling surprisingly...

"What happened go--" I was more surprising when I saw Nilover lied on the bed and all the room was a mess.

~Gon's POV~

I saw small things, living things, playing around.. putting their little hands on the stuffs in the room.. I couldn't breath when i saw that.. Killua observed me intently..

"Do you see something Gon?"

"N-no" I stammered then the scary little things glared at me, I got scared and they laughed.



One of them jumped on killua's hair and observed me up to down.

"Is something on my hair?"


"A little weird thing..." Nilover finally spoke.

I glanced at her surprisingly, "Can you see them?!" I exclaimed quickly..

"No, I feel them"


"Huh!!?" Killua said in a high voice, in out of a question, he didn't understand anything.

Further more, he tried to put his hand on his hair to raise anything out from his head but suddenly, I saw the little thing's fangs became more sharp to bite Killua...

"Killua stop!!!" I stopped Killua and then he turned his gaze to me, upset.

"What now Gon!? You startled me idiot!"

"Ah sorry but don't..put your hand above your head okay?"

He raised his eyebrow and I averted my gaze to see the little thing turned to be its usual self before changing to a scary monster...

And suddenly, I heard a creak that caused by a bed coming from the side of me. It's precisely Nilover who was trying to stand and she was sitting at the edge of the bed...

When she opened her eyes, they were gold. I gasped.

"Hey.... You witch! Your eyes are gold!!!" Killua half yelled_said that to the second version of Nilover...

"Well, Gon, I'm back to steal your eyes!"

My eyes widened and Killua clenched his teeth, also furrowing his eyebrows..

"But why?!" I asked and my grief-stricken tone echoed in the silent walls...

"Gon, if you came with me then I will change your world like how you did for mine..." She stated what she has from thought in her mind and Killua became more mad on every little syllable she spoke...

"You dare touch Gon!" Killua hissed.

"Killua wait!!" I tried to calm Killua down but he already had the killing aura sarrounded him.

"Shut up Gon! Don't say that She's loyal or good after what you saw and heard a minute ago!!" Killua's really angry right now...

But before I can interact, the whole little things stood on me and wrapped me from up to down and I couldn't breath also I didn't hold a breath because of the sudden move....

"G-Gon? Sorry... I didn't mean to yell at you like that... don't glare at me like this please...." I heard Killua saying this to me, I tried to say help but I couldn't then I passed out..

~Killua's POV~

I saw Gon's caramel eyes became a dark shed of brown and I remembered his eyes went like this when he became angry with something but those are different...

H-He's like someone... like a body that out of soul.... dull and odd eyes.... what's happening with him?!....


"He's for me now... sorry for you!" I heard the hoarse tone of Nilover's reversed personality then I glared at her....

"What did you do for Gon?!" I yelled but in an intense time, she disappeared with Gon....


Sorry sorry sorry sorryyyyyy

I got a writer's block, i didn't really know how to arrange my thoughts..

I'm really sorry..

Hopefully you'll like this chapter..

Gimme your opinions and enjoy..

Also help me to improve my language pleaseee..

Gold-Purple eyed mysterious friend (Book One in Gon and Killua's adventures)Where stories live. Discover now