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~Gon's POV~

As we were travelling in our destination, Killua, Nilover and I to help Nilover to find her peace and to find Ging...

We separated from Nilover since we went to Greed Island and fought the Chemira ants then I went to the hospital while Killua took his sister Alluka to heal me...

They chose the new president who was Pareston and I saw my dad.... Ging...

We met Nilover again at the world tree... Killua said he can't continue with us because he can't risk his sister's life but I came with a good idea and begged him to agree...

"Your sister finally took her freedom and I know you want to show her the world... Let's do this together sometime else... She wanted something more than this! She wanted the tenderness, love and the kindness from a mother..."

He asked 'what do you mean?' With a slightly confused look and I explained that we can let her go and live with Mito-san for a while until we come back... He didn't agree at first, and I'm not that happy with this too... She's his sister and he loves her so much...

But Alluka asked 'who's mito-san' and 'Is onichan really loved her?' Questions.. and Killua answered honestly and told her about the adventures and memories that we made in whale Island. Then her eyes sparkled alot and said 'I wanna live with Mito-san!' And 'It's unfair to feel those emotions and I'm not!' Thingy which made Killua agreed to leave her for not a long while.

Nilover smiled likewise me but I grinned happily.... I really can't stand it without you, Killua! You should be by my side forever.....

When we got Alluka to the whale Island, hugging Mito-san but Nilover prefered to just sit on the boat waiting for us instead of talking to Mito-san or letting me introduce her to her! W-whatever... that's a bit confusing... her to her.... well, we were travelling until we went to Spain... (~P.S.Yes I will use the real nations and countries sometimes~)

We were wandering... Nilover remained in the hotel, tired. While me and Killua went to explore...

We sat on a table in an outsided cafè... yeah... I mean, the tables are putting outside and some of them are setting inside. Anyways, we chose to sit outside.

And suddenly we heard a loud noise... Is it a fight? Me and Killua stared at eachother then went quickly to that voice... a young teenager... like us was fighting with an early twenties guy, but the guy looked drunk.

The young boy was extremely angry, something's up... He had a short blond hair and his bangs are sloping to the right eye of his and each bang are curled but pressured to remain tall and achieve his eye amd it made a nice haircut.... he has a darkish green eyes, angry eyes.. and he was wearing an overall, red and white, to the thighs... not that tall and the up side are like a normal t-shirt so the overall has a short summer sleeves and short pants to the thighs... he's a muscular boy as well... and was wearing a short boots like Killua's but in red and white with another model but the same height.

"Why is he fighting Jason?"

"Jason said a sarcasm comment about the boy's past..."

"Oh? And look Jason is on the ground! How fool he is to got hit by a boy that looks almost like the middle of his age... ahah!"

"Yeah but he's not a normal boy... see those muscles!"

I heard them talking then decided to talk to the boy!


Aaaah~ I'm suck in describing the clothes..


This is the Epilogue of this book and the prologue of the second book!

Hope that you like it!

The end of the book 1 in Gon and Killua's adventures' series!

Plz vote and comment what you think about this book..

And thank you very much for reading :)

[~Completed at July 24th 2017~]


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