Chapter nine

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~No one's POV~

Gon and Nilover followed Killua but he's already gone to somewhere... While in fact, Killua is imprisoned in that hospital with that Gon....

"I hope he's alright! I'm worried sick about him...." Gon said to Nilover..


'I hope Nilover didn't harm Gon or play with his mind.... what shall I do to know if this is the real Gon or the fake one or if she did a brainwashing for him.... I'm worried sick about him....' Killua thought...


"Gon let's search there!" Nilover said to Gon and pointed to the nearby forest across them....

"Okay!" Gon replied..


"Hey Killua i brought you lunch!" Gon said to Killua, "Don't glare at me like that! I know you are mad because i don't want from you to step out of bed but I'm doing this because of your health!"

"Okay okay... but Gon.... tell me please what happened a three months ago?"

"Don't think hardly about it..... Just forget the past..."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll make your life a better one so don't mention the old days...." Gon said and smiled mischievously.

"W-What do you mean?"

"Now let's eat!!!!!" He said enthusiastically...


"KILLUAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Gon screamed Killua's name in everytime in a moment...

"Gon stop this please!" Nilover demanded, "if Killua knew that we are here then he'll presicely hide until we go somewhere else....!"

"O-Oh you're right!"

"I'll try to use my golden eyes in a positive way to find Killua!" Gon's eyes lightened up...

"But how!!?"

"My golden eyes can see *yumis.. A-And actually I.....I...." Nilover paused...

"You what??"

"I put yumi in Killua's shirt......"

"You whaaaaaaat!!!!!!"

"G-Gon calm down! This yumi won't hurt Killua... Trust me!"

"If you say so!!" Gon smiled likewise Nilover as they calmed down and Nilover's eyes started to change to gold....

Gon watched carefully while Nilover started to cast her spell.....

Then her eyes are completely gold....

"Woah!" Gon exclaimed...

~Nilover's POV~

I saw...... two KILLUAS.... What the hell is this?!

One Killua is in the same forest that we are in it and another one, a foggy one, is lying on a grass with bloody body... a hundred miles away from us....

H-How can my yumi give me a two locations for two Killuas?!

I felt that my body will break up and I started to feel pain... I began to scream while I was hearing Gon's worried voice....

"Nilover!!!!" Gon came closer to me and I fell into darkness.....


~Killua's POV~

"Say Aaaaaah!" Gon said and tried to pull the spoon that full of peas in my mouth..

"Wadafuq?!" I exclaimed angerly and Gon laughed....

"Don't say a slut words!"

"You are not innocent anymore... are you?" I said seriously.

"C'mon Killua! You must eat or your health will become worse than that..."

"You know that I hate peas, aren't you?"

"Yeah sure but it's healthy!"

"Did you forget that I'm allergic to peas?"

"Nope.. but just try one spoon..."

"So you know that I'm allergic to peas????"

"Yeah sure.... I know!"

"But I'm not allergic to peas" I said and my eyes darkened.... "Who are you?"

A smirk drew on the fake Gon's lips....

"You better be shut up and don't try to leave your bed!"

"Who. Are. You?" I said slowly with creepy tone.

"I'm Gon!"

Then everything went and I fell into darkness.....


~On the other part of York New City~

"Gon and Killua said that they will be here in this time and this day!!! Damn them where are they?!?!?!?" Leorio yelled.

"Don't yell!! I think you misheard Gon!" Kurapika yelled back.

"No I'm sure he said that!"

"They're in problem..." a weird man interrupted the little conversation of kurapika and leorio..

"Who are you damn!?" Leorio shouted.

"I'm the hunter of witches...."

"Is this really exist?" Kurapika replied..

"Show me your license!" Leorio yelled again.

"License? I don't need one... She's dangerous... She's cursed.. if the white haired boy and spiky haired boy are your friends then quickly go to the forest and help them..."

Then he took his coffee and went outside the café...

"Should we trust him?" Leorio said seriously..

"I used my chain and he was saying the truth..."

"Let's go then... I'm worried about them both... a witch huh?"

"I'm very sure that it's Gon's fault..."

"No! Gon's stupidity fault..."



At the same moment and place, someone in the dark heard their conversation....

"So Gon is talking with a witch huh?"


*yumi: it's a kind of ghosts in the japanese culture....

Hello guyzzzz!!! How r u???? I enjoyed writing this story!!!! Especially the last three chapters....

I hope you all like it and thanks for reading!

Gold-Purple eyed mysterious friend (Book One in Gon and Killua's adventures)Where stories live. Discover now