Chapter 43

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Laura - um my boyfriend
Ross - y-you have a b-boy-boyfriend
Laura - yea
Ross - Laura I will never love anyone else ever again !
Laura - really because you cheated on me twice
Ross - Laura please
Laura - please what Ross wait around for you to hurt me again no thank you
Ross-( grabbed Laura's wrist and pulled her into his part of the bus )
Laura - Ross what the hell
Ross - why are you doing this to me
Laura -doing what
Ross - damn it Laura just forgive me like you always do you know your going to anyway
Laura - no no I won't not this time
Ross-Laura when will you realize I own you you are mine
Laura - get it through your head Ross I am not your property and will never be your girlfriend again!
Ross-( got so mad and started kissing Laura roughly)
Laura -( tried to push him away but he was to strong for her )
Ross -( started to undress her until they are both naked )
Laura -( started hitting Ross more and began to cry )
Ross -( got so frustrated and pushed Laura causing her to hit the wall and she began to bleed )
Laura -( strayed to shake ) I don't know who you are anymore Ross
Ross -( reached out to touch her )
Laura - d-don't touch me
Ross -( picked her up and brought her to the bathroom cleaning off her cut ) I'm so so so so so sorry next time I'm like that just leave I don't want to hurt you again
Laura -( had fear in her eyes ) no there won't be a next time Ross  bye ( quickly got dressed and left his part of the bus crying her eyes out )
Ryland - omg Laura what happened
Laura - Ross happened he almost raped me then he threw me and hard against the wall
Ryland - WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!
Laura - Ryland please don't make a big deal
Ryland - not make a big deal really !!( Stormed off into Ross's part of the bus )WHAT THE HELL ROSS
Ross -( was in the corner of the room crying and shaking looking at his hand )
Ryland. - let me guess that's the hand you pushed her with
Ross - I didn't mean to do it just please she's my girl please
Ryland -no she's not yours anymore god Ross if you seen how bad she was crying you would want to die
Ross -( stood up and a whole bunch of blood fell out of his shirt as he dropped a bloody knife ) that's how bad I feel I stabbed myself in my chest ( he said just as he fainted )
Laura - ROSS!!!!!!
Ryland - Laura stay back in going to bring him to the hospital
Laura - I'm coming
Ryland - no your not going Laura we care about you to much this entire thing has all had a bad outcome on you when you did nothing wrong I can't keep letting you get hurt I can't keep letting you suffer for my family
Laura - our family
Ryland- yea our family but you can't tag along in this one
Laura - I'm coming
Everybody -( came into Ross's part of the bus )
Rocky - oh my god what happened ?
Ryland - long story short Ross almost raped Laura she tried to pull away he pushed her and she got her he felt so bad he stabbed himself in the chest
Stormie - oh I am going to kill that boy when he wakes up
Rydel - omg Laura
Ryland. - guys we have to get Ross to the hospital
Laura - I'm coming
Rocky - I don't think you should
Ryland - see Laura I'm not the only one
Laura - fine if you guys won't let me come ( picked up the knife and stabbed herself  in the same spot Ross did ) now I have to be there ( fell to the floor from lack of blood right beside Ross )
Comment please . I might update once or twice more today but I'm not sure !

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