Chapter 148

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Laura - I'm sorry but I believe , Courtney
Ross - no no no Laura you can't , look me in the eyes , I'm not lying
Laura -( looks him straight in the eyes ) Ross are your sure your not just jealous ?
Ross - positive
Laura -( sighs ) I'm sorry Courtney , I know when Ross is lying and looking him in the eyes hearing that tone in his voice just now , I know he's telling the truth , why ?
Courtney - you selfish bitch you invited to your wedding when the groom is someone I am still in love with
Laura - I was just trying to give you a chance
Courtney - a chance ? A chance of what ? Depression ?
Laura - Courtney please
Courtney - aw , and I hurting the little useless worthless bitches feelings ?
Ross - that's it ( grabbed Courtney by the shirt pinning her against the wall , pointing a finger in her face ) you don't get to insult Laura like that ! Yea she invited you to our wedding out of the kindness of her Heart , she chose to be your friend and give you a chance after you gave her fucking death threats ! This is not cool behavior Courtney , and I'm pissed you can hit me , and yell at me , and hurt me , but the second you disrespect or hurt Laura you are as good as dead ! No one messes with my laur so why don't you just do yourself a Fucking favor and leave both of us alone !
Courtney - whatever Ross ! You were never this protective over me ! Thats why I act like this !Ever think of that ?
Ross - that is not a fucking excuse and maybe because the only feelings I had for you was puppy love , I'm sorry if you thought our "relationship " was anything more than that , and if you actually fell for me but then again I'm really not because I ACTUALLY fell for Laura and I really love Laura , she is my whole world and I will do anything for her . No matter what it is . Ever think of that ?!
Courtney - whatever Ross , I hope you and laur are happy together . Because you won't be soon
Ross - it's laura to you not laur , as a matter of fact just forget her name in general ! And if you even try , to fuck with Laura and i's relationship again or I swear to you , you will be dead !
Courtney - you can't hurt me , I'm a girl !
( Rydel and the rest come in )
Rydel - no but I can
Laura - and so can I
Courtney - Laura I swear I will defeat you
Rydel -actually you won't . You won't even touch Laura because I will hurt you . So will Ross and you will be arrested .don't even come anywhere near her you little Conceded selfish bitch she was kind enough as to give you her forgiveness and you Fucking ruined it what kind of heartless bitch are you ? Nobody messes with my Laur
Courtney - like Ethan ?
Rydel - Ethan was Laura's brother you Fucking asshole and he never hurt her on purpose , so before you start saying shit you should get your facts In order dumb ass
Courtney- whatever , I'm just going to leave , watch your back Laura
Laura - fuck . You .
Hey loves ! Hope you guys enjoyed this update

Disclaimer: NO HATE on Courtney I adore her , this is just for the drama

With that said goodnight loves and I will see you all tomorrow !!!!

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