Chapter 126

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Laura - yes!!!! Yes yes a million times yes !
Ross -( leaned in and kissed Laura smiling like an idiot )
Laura - ( kissed back )
Stormie - Laura the hospital just called .
Laura - what did they say ?
Stormie - Laura Ethan passed away this morning .
Laura's POV
Laura - w-what ?
I broke down crying I love Ethan he's my only brother and I love him so much I knew he was dying but the pain I'm feeling right now sucks. I broke down crying and then I felt a pair of arms wrap around me ... it was Ross .
Ross - Laura ...
Laura - he can't ... he can't
Ross- Laura I'm sorry
Laura - r-Ross I don't have any family left .
Ross - you have us .
Laura - and how long until you guys leave me too .
Ross - Laura I will never leave I asked you to marry me because I love you . And for the rest of my life i will continue to love you and only you . I will never leave you
Laura - what if you die , protecting me then it will be all my fault and I would have lost you
Ross- don't think like that Laura . I will be fine and I'll be here for a while , and if I ever do die protecting you it is not your fault . I did it because I love you . Ok ?
Laura - ok Ross , thank you
Ross - your welcome , now is there anything I can do ?
Laura - never leave my side .
Ross - I never want to . But sometimes I have to Laura .
Laura - when will you have to?
Ross - all the time . To cook for you , to go to hockey , at concerts .
Laura - but you will always come back right ?
Ross - yes Laura I promise I will always come back
Laura - Ross , what if I die ?
Ross - Laura don't .
He looked pained when I said this but I was being serious.
Laura - no Ross , Ethan is my brother what if I too have cancer , what if I got his genes ? Ross what if I die alone ?
Ross - Laura , I can promise you that you will never die alone , because no matter what we will be there , I will be there laur .
Laura - Ross I'm scared , what if I actually have his genes
Ross - you don't Laura .
Laura - how do you know .
Ross - because I thought the same thing and so I had them do a test . They said you are one hundred percent cancer free
Laura - ok
Ross - now what do you guys want to do ?
Rydel - ooooooooooooooooooooooo can we go in the pool .
Riker - sure but why get so excited that pool has been in our backyard for 10 years .
Laura - because she's Rydel
I chuckled . But honestly a nice pool day is just what I needed
" Marco " Rydel called from one half of the pool
As everyone else yelled back " polo " it took about ten minutes but Rydel finally caught Ross . This should be interesting .
Ross - Marco
Laura - polo
Ross - I'm going to catch you Laura . Weather you like it or not .
He jumped all around the pool then he went under water and grabbed my legs flicking me over his shoulder
Laura - Ross let me down
Ross - ok
He said then dropped me into the deep end of the pool.
Riker - hey , I have an idea for a different game . What if , Laura plays the princess and all the boys try to woo her . Which ever boy she choses can make her do whatever they want to them . But one condition she can't pick Ross . Rydel you can play too even though your clearly going to pick Ellington
Rydel - sounds fun
Rocky - I'm down
Ryland - sure
Laura - I don't know I just got engaged today
I say worriedly
Ross - no no it's okay , Laura I trust you .
Laura - ok fine .
Suddenly all the boys started doing flips and tricks to try and impress me , honestly they were all really impressing , especially rocky , he did three flips off the diving bored and got 33 basketballs through the hoop in a row . I think I made up my mind on who I'm going to pick
Riker - soooo who's it gonna be
Laura - huh oh um rocky you win
Ross's face literally saddens . Awe poor rossy .
End of POV
Rocky - yes !  Come on Laura . Let's go to my bedroom .
Laura - your bedroom ? For what ?
Rocky - you'll see
• in Rocky's bedroom with Laura •
Rocky - ok so I see Ross's shadow on the other side of that door , wanna mess with him ?
Laura - I don't know , we just got engaged and if he doesn't believe that it was a prank he could break up with me I can't lose him .
Rocky - ok , well what if we set up a video camera , and record the whole thing
Laura - ugh fine .
( rocky set up the video camera and spoke into it )
Rocky - ok Ross , sorry but we are just messing around and joking none of this is real I promise , which this recording will later explain .
( after he gave that little speech he walked up to Laura and took off his jacket having it fall to the floor making it sound like they were making out . )
Rocky - oh Laura , that feels so good
Ross -( barges in ) HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME LAURA !!! HOW ? ( he cried as he ran out of the room )
Laura - rocky that was too far . You made it sound like we were having sex , when I haven't even had sex with Ross yet , or anyone for that matter .
Rocky - sorry but at least you can show him that video .
Laura - ugh that's so not the point .
Rocky - wait Laura are you mad ?
Laura -( sighed ) no i'm not mad. I forgive you , I mean you were just trying to play a prank
Rocky - thank you Laura
Laura - your welcome ( I say as I grab the footage and run downstairs ) Ross it's not what you think
Ross - really because it looked like you were just cheating on me in there
Laura - I wasn't I promise it was all just a stupid prank that went to far and shouldn't have happened I'm sorry .
Ross -( looked up at her with big  red puppy eyes ) how can I believe you .
Laura - look ( handed him the camera ) it was all fake
Ross - ok but never do anything like that to me again ( he said bringing her into a tight hug )
Laura - I won't , I promise
IDEAS ? if you have any ideas comment then below please . I will update two more times tonight .

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