Chapter 138

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Laura - Ross stop !
Ross - get away from me Laura , all I'll do is a disappoint you . I'll never be the husband you need you don't want to marry me . So please just go ...
Laura - not until you stop . You are not hurting your self because of me .
Ross - I'm just a fuck up Laura .
Laura - no your not Ross . I over reacted .
Ross - your only saying that so I dont hurt my self
Laura - no im not Ross . I love you , and I have so many great memories with you to end it all now , your brothers and Rydel helped me realize that . I'm sorry
Ross - no im sorrry Laura , I should have trusted you more and I should have known you wouldn't cheat on me . I'm a total ass
Laura - no your not Ross your the sweetest person I know . You used every bit of strength you had in there just too tell me you love me . That's the sweetest thing ever . Your an amazing boyfriend and I couldn't ask for better . Trust me . I love you
Ross - I love you too Laura . Does this mean you still want to marry me ?
Laura - of course I still want to marry you ? If that's okay with you .
Ross - more then okay .
Laura - so can I have the rings back .
Ross - no . We have to do This right .
Laura -huh ?
Ross - hi my name is Ross . What's yours ?
Laura -( smiled ) Laura
Ross - pretty name for a pretty girl , tell me about yourself Laura
Laura - well my birthday is November 29 1995 , my favorite color is red , my full name is Laura Marie Marano and i am Italian .
Ross - November 29th ? Mine is December 29th . Your older by a month ?
Laura - huh guess so . Now tell me about you Ross
Ross - well my full name is Ross shor lynch , I'm from Colorado . My favorite color is yellow and my birthday is December 29 1995
Laura - cool
Ross - wanna be friends ?
Laura - nope ! I wanna be best friends
( Ross smiles and places the best friend ring on her finger )
Ross - Laura I promise to never hurt you , and that I'm in love with you meaning you are the best thing that's ever happened to me , you will always be able to trust me and I promise I will never break a promise i made to you .I promise , to always protect you and I promise to love you forever and ever . Do you except this promise ring ?
Laura - yes
( Ross smiles and places the promise ring on Laura's finger looking up at her )
Ross - Laura Marie Marano , you are the best thing that had ever happened to me and I would die without you , please I have so many good memories with you and I wouldn't give them up for the world . I love you more then words can explain . I know I haven't been the greatest boyfriend , but I'm working on that and i promise you will always have whatever you want when your with me . You will always be happy . In high school somebody asked me , " where do you see yourself in five years" well the answer to that question is , cuddling next to my beautiful wife , and two sons and a daughter running around the house , another baby on the way , and they were just the happiest family . I want that with you Laura . Will you marry me Laura .
Laura -yes I will marry you .
( Ross smiled and placed the ring on her finger kissing her passionately)
Ross - ( grabbed her promise ring ) I promise to never let go
Laura -( touched his finger , on her promise ring ) I promise I never want you too
Awe rauraaaaaa . I will update tomorrow please comment and vote I love you guys . Goodnight

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