Chapter 103

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Ross - now what do you say we get to bed , it's late and you should rest
Laura - can I maybe sleep with you tonight ?
Ross -( smiled weakly ) id love that
Laura - thank you Ross
• in Ross's room with Ross and Laura •
Laura - Ross ?
Ross - yea ?
Laura - what are those
Ross - what is what
Laura - those things on your arm are they...
Ross -( let one tear fall ) y-yea they are
Laura - Ross please dont cut
Ross -...Laura ...
Laura - no ross im serious you can't cut !
Ross - (was now fully in tears ) I can't help it I have too
Laura - Ross don't cut
Ross - Laura . You don't understand , how much pain I'm in , it hurts I ant help myself ...please just ...I-I can't do this I'm sorry
Laura - you can't do what Ross ?
Ross - I can't talk about this , it hurts so much , Laura I truly love you
Laura - Ross ... I-I'm
Ross - what you're dating Caleb ? Laura he raped you
Laura - Ross what you did...
Ross - and what did I do Laura
Laura - you need to figure that out yourself
Laura's POV
You don't know how badly I just wanted to hold him . I wanted to wipe all his tears away and tell him , that it was all fake , that we can still be together but I couldn't . It was for his sake . He was crying a lot he looked pained and truly hurt , he was broken and so was I .
Ross - look if this is all like what happened with Jackson , I don't need protection
Laura - I know you don't . Ross can I tell you something
Ross - anything
Laura - I wanted to sleep here with you because I feel safe in your strong arms. I fell safe with you .
Ross - good , cause you will always be safe in them
Laura - I know I will, but we have to talk about your depression Ross , you can't cut , promise me
Ross -Laura I ant make a promise that I can't keep ...not to you
Laura - I'm sorry .
Ross - like I said I'll be fine . My mom is helping me . I promise you don't need to worry
Laura - okay ...
But how could I not worry ?
Ross - we should get to bed
Laura - y-yea we should
End of POV
•in the morning•
Laura - ( I woke up , to find Ross still sleeping , I slowly and carefully slipped out of his arms and went to the tour bus kitchen)hey Stormie !
Stormie - oh good morning sweetie , when did you get here
Laura - oh Late last night
Stormie - ok well , breakfast will be ready soon sweetie !
Laura - okay !
Stormie - so how's everything with Ross and all
Laura - the same . Hey Stormie .
Stormie - yea
Laura - why didn't you tell me Ross was sucidel ?
Stormie - well you have enough on your plate sweetie . I thought this would be one last thing on your mind
Laura - I'll always care for him Stormie
Stormie - I know that honey
Laura - can we maybe talk about what he talks to you about. Please . I just really need to know
Stormie - of course
Laura - thank you
Ross - hey guys
Laura - ( I looked at his wrist and noticed more cuts , he realized I was looking and pulled down his sleeve a little to hide them.i sighed and he whispered , don't worry about it . But how could I not ?) hey
Stormie - Ross honey , you need to stop
Ross - I can't
Stormie - Laura still loves you . She still cares for you . Isn't that enough ?
Ross - no mom. It isn't . I cant call her mine .i cant kiss her. I can't tell her I love her without making everything awkward . It's not enough
Laura- Stormie it's time for us to talk just me and you . We have to.
Stormie - ok . Ross do you mind ?
Ross - no ( left )
Laura - what does he talk about with you ?
Stormie - how he doesn't believe you care or love him . I say you do but he doesn't believe me . He talks about how he doesn't know what he did and how stupid he is for letting you go . Honestly he mostly cried the whole time he said , you took his heart with you . He's really upset Laura . I don't know how much more he can take
Laura - ( i sucked in a breath and I thought about it , I had to set things straight ) Ross . Shor . Lynch ! Get in here now !
Ross - yea ?
Laura - you know I still love and care for you right ?
Ross - y-you do ?
Laura - of course . More than ever .
Ross - than what did I do ?
Laura - absolutely nothing .
Hey guys ! One more chapter tonight 😊see you soon ! Hope you liked this chapter as always comment and vote . And if you have any ideas for the story comment them below and I promise I'll add them in !😊

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