Chapter 115

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Laura's POV
I can't believe Ross did that ! God I'm so stupid for believing he actually loved me .
End of POV
Ross - Laura somebody's  here to see you come out
Laura -....
Riker - Laura somebody's here to see you come out
Laura - ok be right out
Micheal - hey Laura !
Laura - oh hey Micheal what brings you here ?
Micheal -I heard about you and Ross
Laura - oh
Micheal - I'm really sorry I know how much you love  him
Laura - yea but I'll get over it
Micheal - would you maybe wanna get over it with someone like me ?
Laura - are you asking me out ?
Micheal - y-yea I guess i am
Laura - I'm sorry Micheal but no . I still love Ross I'm not ready for that
Micheal - ok I-I better go
Laura - Micheal I'm sorry
Micheal - it's cool ( left )
Riker - ( came in ) Laura
Laura - whats up
Riker - I know you hear this every time but Ross he's in really bad shape . I know you didn't mean what you said . Please go talk to him he thinks you don't love him or care about him
Laura - I should be thinking that he broke up with me Riker
Riker - I know but Ross is complicated
Laura - ( sighed ) I'll do it but not for Ross for you .
Riker - thank you Laura
Laura - mmm
• with Ross and Laura •
Laura - Ross it's me can I come in ?
Ross - yea
Laura - ( I walked in the room and found Ross crawled up in a ball crying looking at a picture of us ) Ross stop .
Ross - I thought you never wanted to see me again
Laura - I was over reacting I still love you Ross
Ross - please just please let me be apart of your life even if it's just as friends . I'm begging you
Laura - Ross if we continue to be friends . And I get a boyfriend . What would happen
Ross - I would get jealous
Laura - exactly , I can't put you or myself through that
Ross - Laura . I can't take this pain anymore
Laura - Ross you broke up with me not the other way around
Ross - no Laura I didn't Micheal did
Laura - what do you mean Micheal did Ross .
Ross- Micheal told me that if I didn't break with you he would say I killed a women and make fake pictures to try and convince you that it was real he said he would put you in danger if I didn't break up with you . I couldn't let you get hurt
Laura- then why are you telling me now
Ross - because I realize he can hurt you if I don't protect you  or if you don't protect yourself . The only way I can really continue to protect you is if I'm right by your side and the only way you can protect yourself is When you feel happy and strong and being sad prevents you from protecting yourself .
Laura - Ross you need to tell me everything
Ross - Micheal texted me to meet him at Starbucks and told me the news about how I had to break up with you or else he would set me up with murder  . I did and -
Laura - that's why he asked me out
Ross - he did ? What did you
Laura - god Ross I said no how could think I could have said yes I love you
Ross -( smiled ) okay good . Now can we get back together or what . I promise to protect you . I promise to never hurt you . I promise to love you forever
Laura - Ross I promise that too .
Ross - soooooo
Laura - yes
Comment and vote please . I will update four more times tonight as promised . Sorry the updates are so late😬the next chapter is kind of gonna wrap up the drama and the next chapter also wraps up the  last show of the tour so that means in chapter 117 they will be back in California and also that is when all of everyone's BS stops and Ross and Laura will be happy for a while .love you guys see you soon

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