~Chapter 21~

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Today was the day. I approached her casket. She was pale but still beautiful. Her plump lips still looked soft and inviting. Though her red hair had faded it still lyed marvelously on her shoulder. I wanted to see her green eyes but they were closed and I would never see them stare at me with love again.

Julie was right in front of me, but she was gone...

I took her limp hand into mine and placed a small kiss on the back of it.

"I love you Julie and I always will..." a tear escaped my eye and glided down my cheek. It disconnected from my skin and connected onto hers. I used my thumb to wipe it away.

Anybody that saw me would think I was insane but I placed a gentle kiss on her lips. One last gentle kiss.

I wanted one last time to see her blush. To see her smile at me, her dimples peaking through. I wanted to hear her loud laugh that sounded annoying to others but was my favorite song. I wanted one last time for her to get mad at me and leave, slamming the door behind her. But she would always open that door again and I'd be waiting on the other side for her. She would hop into my arms and we'd both cry, saying how sorry we were. One last time to see her eyes, her morning face and how she looked after we made love. I just wanted one last time.

Gray wrapped an arm around me, guiding me to our seats.

There were not many people here, but the people that were loved her dearly. And you could tell how much each one of them loved her.

Nobody had dry eyes, especially me. I was at the love of my life's funeral. I wanted to go back to the good days but I knew I couldn't.

"Ethan.... Ethan..." someone shook me, "wake up man..."

My eyes opened and Gray stood above me, shaking my shoulders.

Thank God... It was just a dream...

"Bro.... I think you were having a bad dream-" I cut him off.

"Julie died..." my voice shook as I said it.

"It was just a bad dream..." Gray told me patting my back. "She's still alive man."

I nodded my head at him.

I squeezed her hand, fearful that I would lose her. It's almost three weeks and I still have hope that she will wake up.

I know she will, won't she?

It was about 11:30 pm at night right now and my parents, Gray, Cam and Alexis had already left to go to sleep for the night. I finally found a way to let the doctors let me stay overnight.

I was dozing off, my hand still wrapped in Julie's. I didn't want to go to sleep in case Julie wakes up and as much as I hate to say it, the clock is ticking down.

If Julie doesn't wake up tomorrow they're pulling her off life support. I don't want to miss a second of being with her so I've hardly slept this week.

"Hey Jules..." I said, even though I didn't know if she could hear me.

"Baby girl I miss you, I know you can wake up tomorrow, I believe in you. Please keep fighting and don't give up. I cannot tell you enough how much I love you. Not being able to hold you or kiss you this whole month has been killing me. I need you, you are my everything..." I kissed her forehead.

"Do you remember when we had that food fight that one time?" I asked. "You were making your 5 star brownies and I threw some flour on you. The kitchen was a mess and somehow we got Gray to clean it up for us so we didn't have to..."

"My favorite night with you was when my dad told us he won his battle with cancer and we were so happy that we danced around our hotel room at 2 am to the old classics." I smiled remembering that night.

"Or our date in Paris,  the Eiffel Tower was almost as gorgeous as you..." I smiled to myself.

I was about to finally let sleep overtake me but then I felt Julie's fingers curl around my hand. My eyes shot open and my smile became so big.

She's awake! I was happy until the faint beeping turned into loud beeping and it was constant.

Doctors rushed through the door. A nurse tried pulling me out of the room but I yanked my shoulder out of her grasp.

Another nurse pulled onto my shoulder trying to pull me out of the room.

"Sir, we need to do this without you in the room." they told me but I didn't listen.

Tears began to stream down my face and I held onto Julie's hand tight, not letting go.

"Julie! Don't leave me!" I shouted in tears. The doctors pulled me away from her grasp and ushered me out of the room.


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